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"An unco lonely bit," said he, and I thought by his tone he was not wholly pleased. A little after, and we stood in the lower storey of the house, which was all in the one apartment, with a stair leading to the chambers at the side, benches and tables by the wall, the cooking fire at the one end of it, and shelves of bottles and the cellar-trap at the other.

"An unco lonely bit," said he, and I thought by his tone he was not wholly pleased. A little after, and we stood in the lower story of that house, which was all in the one apartment, with a stair leading to the chambers at the side, benches and tables by the wall, the cooking fire at the one end of it, and shelves of bottles and the cellar-trap at the other.

You could not walk a dozen yards at any time without falling down a yawning cellar-trap, or being run over by a porter with a huge load upon his head, or getting splashed from head to foot by the sudden pulling-up of some cart in the gutter beside you. It was among the peculiarities of the Rue du Faubourg St.