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Further south rises the volcano of Cartago. Here the Cordilleras resume their general character of a vast mountain barrier, but once more sink down into low ridges as the chain passes through the Isthmus of Panama. As in South America, the Cordilleras run close along the Pacific coast.

All we could do was to sit well back in our saddles, and trust to the sure-footedness of our animals. Our first stopping-place was in a ruinous village at the foot of the mountains the last we were to see until we reached Ibaque. We occupied a room in one of the houses, while our attendants formed sheds, and covered them with large plantain-leaves, which they had brought from Cartago.

I. X. Phoenicians in Italy The Phoenician name was Karthada; the Greek, Karchedon; the Roman, Cartago. Compare Movers, Phon. ii. x, 174. Law and Justice Modern Character of Italian Culture History, as such, cannot reproduce the life of a people in the infinite variety of its details; it must be content with exhibiting the development of that life as a whole.

Soon after this we reached the town of Cartago, from which we were to strike upwards over the Quindio mountains. The town was of considerable size, and at one time, I have no doubt, was as flourishing as others in the province. The curse of war had fallen upon it.

A missionary in Cartago writes: "I must tell you about the annual procession of the wonderful miracle-working image called 'Our Lady Queen of the Angels, through the principal streets of the town. Picture to yourselves, if you can, hundreds of people praying, worshipping, and doing homage to this little stone idol, for which a special church has been built.

I. X. Phoenicians in Italy The Phoenician name was Karthada; the Greek, Karchedon; the Roman, Cartago. Compare Movers, Phon. ii. x, 174. Law and Justice Modern Character of Italian Culture History, as such, cannot reproduce the life of a people in the infinite variety of its details; it must be content with exhibiting the development of that life as a whole.