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In Gaul, Lutetia Parisiorum became Parisiis and is now Paris, and Nemetacum Atrebatum became Atrebatis and is now Arras. Narbonensis, leg. Aug. pr. pr. provi. But its name comes ultimately from the Early English form of Cantium, not from the Cantii. Of the smaller local organizations, little can be said.

It has been argued that the name 'Kent' is derived from the Celtic 'Cantion', and not from the Latin 'Cantium', because, according to the rules of Vulgar Latin, 'Cantium' would have been pronounced 'Cantsium' in the fifth century, when the Saxons may be supposed to have learnt the name. That is, Celtic was spoken in Kent about 450.

Caninefates, an ancient people of the lower part of Germany, near Batavia, occupying the country in which Gorckum, on the Maese, in South Holland, now is Cantium, a part of England, the county of Kent The splendid remains of antiquity discovered among the ruins of Canosa, together with its coins, establish the Grecian origin of the place

Their knowledge of the place-name may be at least as old. No other difficulty seems to hinder the derivation of 'Kent' from the form 'Cantium', and the whole argument based on the name thus collapses.

Before the eagle of the Tenth Legion was planted on the shore of Cantium before the first Phoenician ship stowed tin at the Cassiterides the Celt had inhabited the British Islands long enough to branch into distinct sub-races, and to rise from paloeolithic savagery to the use of metals, the domestication of animals, and the observance of elaborate religious rites.