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Looking at it earlier the next spring, the conspicuous reddish brown color of the bud-scales was noted. I have never seen the "wahoo," or winged elm of the South, and there are several other native elms, as well as a number of introductions from the Eastern Hemisphere, with which acquaintance is yet to be made.

I have seen your tiny leaves creep out of their protecting bud-scales in the springtime, their upper surfaces touched with a pink more lovely than that on the cheek of a child, while below they were clothed with a silvery softness more delicately fair than the coverlid in the cradle of a king.

In the smaller branches, as the tree grows older, the tendency is for only two buds to develop nearly opposite each other, forming a symmetrical branch. The leaves being smaller, it is necessary to have more of them. The bud-scales are persistent on the branches and the growth from year to year can be traced a long way back. The cones hang on the ends of the upper branches.

We have studied leaves as cotyledons, bud-scales, etc., but when we speak of leaves, we do not think of these adapted forms, but of the green foliage of the plant. Forms and Structure. Provide the pupils with a number of green leaves, illustrating simple and compound, pinnate and palmate, sessile and petioled leaves. They must first decide the question, What are the parts of a leaf?