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He commonly had a cigar in his mouth, carried a pocket pistol, of the non-explosive sort, and a stick with a bulldog's head for its knob; wore a soft hat, a coarse check suit, a little baggy, and gaiterboots which had been half-soled, a Bohemian-looking personage, altogether. This individual began making explorations in every direction. He was very curious about the place and all the people in it.

I am glad she did n't smile on the pipe and the Bohemian-looking fellow that finds the best part of his life in sucking at it. A fine thing, isn't it; for a young woman to marry a man who will hold her "Something better than his dog, a little dearer than his horse," but not quite so good as his meerschaum?

I am glad she did n't smile on the pipe and the Bohemian-looking fellow that finds the best part of his life in sucking at it. A fine thing, isn't it; for a young woman to marry a man who will hold her "Something better than his dog, a little dearer than his horse," but not quite so good as his meerschaum?

He commonly had a cigar in his mouth, carried a pocket pistol, of the non-explosive sort, and a stick with a bulldog's bead for its knob; wore a soft bat, a coarse check suit, a little baggy, and gaiterboots which had been half-soled, a Bohemian-looking personage, altogether. This individual began making explorations in every direction. He was very curious about the place and all the people in it.