Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: August 7, 2024
He had been looking forward with delight to helping his father in the business how grand it would be to drive about the country and see things! and he had irked at being kept for so long under the tawse of old Bleach-the-boys. But if the business went on at this rate there would be little in it for the boy. Gourlay was not without a thought of his son's welfare when he packed him off to Skeighan.
"That means he's an infernal cuddy, dominie! Does it na, dominie?" But Bleach-the-boys had said enough. "Ay," he said dryly, "there's a wheen gey cuddies in Barbie!" and he went back to his stuffy little room to study "The Wealth of Nations." The scion of the house of Gourlay was a most untravelled sprig when his father packed him off to the University. Of the world beyond Skeighan he had no idea.
To him it was a howling wilderness where he played a most appropriate rôle. If his father was not about he would hang round his mother till the last moment, rather than be off to old "Bleach-the-boys" as the master had been christened by his scholars.
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