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In his early youth she had watched over his religious education, and in his grandfather's house he had met not only statesmen and bankers, but artists and men of letters. His first tutor had been Gentile Becchi of Urbino, afterwards Bishop of Arezzo; from him he learned Latin, but Argyropolus and Ficino and Landino taught him Greek, and read Plato and Aristotle with him.

In the left corner you may see Marsilio Ficino dressed as a priest; Gentile de' Becchi turns to him, while Cristoforo Landini in a red cloak stands by, and Angelo Poliziano lifts up his hands. Does one ever regret, I wonder, after looking at these realistic fifteenth-century works, that the frescoes of Orcagna for he painted the whole choir were destroyed in a storm, it is said, in 1358.

Gentile Becchi, the Florentine envoy at the Court of France, wrote to Piero de' Medici: 'If the King succeeds, it is all over with Italy tutta a bordello. The extraordinary selfishness of the several Italian States at this critical moment deserves to be noticed.

Gentile Becchi, the Florentine envoy at the Court of France, wrote to Piero de' Medici: "If the king succeeds, it is all over with Italy tutta a bordello." The extraordinary selfishness of the several Italian states at this critical moment deserves to be noticed.