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'Halt, deliver, must and shall, can't and sha' n't, do as I bid you, or go to the devil! That's all Fighting Attie's palaver; and, 'Sdeath, it has a wonderful way of coming to the point! A famous cull is my friend Attie, an old soldier, has seen the world, and knows what is what; has lots of gumption, and devil a bit of blarney.

There was no appeal from the honest publican's fiat; so, in a quick and laconic manner, it being Attie's favourite dogma that the least said is the soonest mended, the warrior sung as follows: Air: "He was famed for deeds of arms." I never robbed a single coach But with a lover's air; And though you might my course reproach, You never could my hair.

'Halt, deliver, must and shall, can't and sha' n't, do as I bid you, or go to the devil! That's all Fighting Attie's palaver; and, 'Sdeath, it has a wonderful way of coming to the point! A famous cull is my friend Attie, an old soldier, has seen the world, and knows what is what; has lots of gumption, and devil a bit of blarney.

There was no appeal from the honest publican's fiat; so, in a quick and laconic manner, it being Attie's favourite dogma that the least said is the soonest mended, the warrior sung as follows: Air: "He was famed for deeds of arms." I never robbed a single coach But with a lover's air; And though you might my course reproach, You never could my hair.