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Glomeris limbata, difference of colour in the sexes of. Glow-worm, female, apterous; luminosity of the. Gnats, dances of; auditory powers of. Gnu, skeletons of, found locked together; sexual differences in colour of the. Goat, male, wild, falling on his horns; male, odour emitted by; male, wild, crest of the; Berbura, mane, dewlap, etc., of the male; Kemas, sexual difference in the colour of the.

It is the female insect that is usually responsible for this wonderful green signal taper; the males seldom use it. Whereas the former is merely an apterous creeping grub, the latter is an insect provided with wings.

"Lice are no doubt to be regarded as bugs, simplified in structure and lowered in animal life in accordance with their mode of living as parasites, being small, flattened, apterous, myopic, crawling and climbing, with a conical head, moulded as it were to suit the rugosities of the surface they inhabit, provided with a soft, transversely furrowed skin, probably endowed with an acute sense of feeling, which can guide them in that twilight in which their mode of life places them.

Moths, absence of mouth in some males; apterous female; male, prehensile use of the tarsi by; male, attracted by females; sound produced by; coloration of; sexual differences of colour in. Motmot, inheritance of mutilation of tail feathers; racket-shaped feathers in the tail of a. Moult, double; double annual, in birds. Moulting of birds. Moults, partial. Mouse, song of.