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They can't try to get but so far! What's the nearest sol-type star?" The Aldeb's skipper pushed a button and the Precinct Atlas came out of its slot. The skipper punched keys and the atlas clicked and whirred. Then its screen lighted. It showed a report on a solar system that had been fully surveyed. "Uh-uh," grunted the sergeant. "A survey woulda showed up if a planet was Huk-occupied.

It was routine for the cops to handle the disabled or partly disabled Cerberus. Sergeant Madden pushed a button marked "Traffic Emergency" and held it down until it lighted. "You got that Cerberus report?" he demanded of the air about him. "Just," said a voice overhead. "What've you got on hand?" demanded Sergeant Madden. "The Aldeb's here," said the voice.

"Yes, sir," said Patrolman Willis. "The Aldeb's due soon," said Sergeant Madden, "so I'll make it short. The whole thing is that we are cops, and the Huks are soldiers. Which means that they're after feeling important after glamour. Every one of 'em figures it's necessary to be important. He craves it." Patrolman Willis listened.

The skipper went into the lock and closed the door behind him. After a moment Patrolman Willis saw him wading through the incredibly delicate and fragile gas-ice crystals. Then the Aldeb's lock swallowed him. The odd thing about the Huk business was the minute scale of the things that happened, compared to the background in which they took place.