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We may see trees covered with these nests, and some with the nests of wasps, and still others with those of troupials and orioles birds of the genus icterus and cassicus hanging down like long cylindrical purses. All these, and many more strange sights, may be seen in the great forest of the Amazon valley; and some of them we shall see voila!

In tropical America, birds of this character are found in many species of the genera Cassicus and Icterus, who weave pensile nests of a similar kind upon the trees of the Amazon and Orinoco.

Of Ambulatores we met some, of the genera Cassicus, Motacilla, Muscicapa, Pyrgita, Saxicola, Cotile; of birds of prey, Percnopterus Jota Mol., and two buzzards; of Grallatores, two kinds of Hæmatopus, both with white legs, the one with a black body, as H. niger is described by Quoy and Gaimard, the other more similar to the European; a Vanellus with spurs to the wings, Numenius, Scolopax, Phalaropus, Ardea Nycticorax; and lastly a small bird with remarkably short legs, digitated, and with a short thick bill, frequenting the sea-shore, and feeding on seeds of Rumex and Polygonum, and constituting a new species, which may be called Thinocorus.

It is a mistake to suppose that weaver-birds are only found in Africa and the Old World, as stated in the works of many naturalists. In tropical America, birds of this character are found in many species of the genera Cassicus and Icterus, who weave pensile nests of a similar kind upon the trees of the Amazon and Orinoco.

We may see trees covered with these nests, and some with the nests of wasps, and still others with those of troupials and orioles birds of the genus icterus and cassicus hanging down like long cylindrical purses. All those, and many more strange sights, may be seen in the great forest of the Amazon valley; and some of them we shall see voil