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Felling the first tree for the timber in the woods with his own hands, Brother Himebaugh gave the keynote to the movement. Nor did he stay his hand until he had expended sixty days of labor. After accomplishing what he could at home, he visited Milwaukee, Chicago, and several towns and cities in the Erie, Pittsburgh and Genesee Conferences, to obtain aid to complete the enterprise.

The Conference of 1863 was held Oct. 1st, at Waukesha, and was presided over by Bishop Scott. The body again adopted a strong report in support of the Government. At this Conference Delegates to the General Conference were again elected. They were H. Bannister, S.C. Thomas, C.D. Pillsbury and M. Himebaugh. At the close of the session I was returned to Spring Street.

At the close of the year, the Pastor was fully paid, and the Society was out of debt. Conference of 1851. Presiding Elder. Presentation. Give and Take. Fond du Lac District Quarterly Meeting Rev. J.S. Prescott. Footman vs. Buggies Fond du Lac. Two Churches. Greenbush Quarterly Meeting Rev. David Lewis Pioneer Self-Sacrifice. Finds a Help-Meet. Sheboygan Falls. Rev. Matthias Himebaugh.

Its first Pastor, as we have seen, was Rev. David Lewis. In 1850, the following year, Rev. Matthias Himebaugh was appointed to the work. At this time the field embraced fifteen appointments, and required the travel of two hundred miles each month. Like his predecessors, Revs. J.S. Prescott and D. Lewis, Brother Himebaugh traveled this circuit on foot.