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There cam' a bang and then ae waefu' skirl frae the Bass. And there were we rubbin' our een and lookin' at ither like daft folk. For wi' the bang and the skirl the thing had clean disappeared. The sun glintit, the wund blew, and there was the bare yaird whaur the Wonder had been lowping and flinging but ae second syne. The hale way hame I roared and grat wi' the terror o' that dispensation.

And there were we rubbin' our een and lookin' at ither like daft folk. For wi' the bang and the skirl the thing had clean disappeared. The sun glintit, the wund blew, and there was the bare yaird whaur the Wonder had been lowping and flinging but ae second syne. The hale way hame I roared and grat wi' the terror of that dispensation.

There cam a bang and then ae waefu' skirl frae the Bass. And there were we, rubbin' our een and lookin' at ither like daft folk. For wi' the bang and the skirl the thing had clean disappeared. The sun glintit, the wund blew, and there was the bare yerd whaur the Wonder had been lowping and flinging but ae second syne. The hale way hame I roared and grat wi' the terror of that dispensation.