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He advised the Saints to be like other people and not organize themselves with bishops, presidents, etc. It was a very foolish, conceited speech. About twenty-five miles north of Far West was a beautiful settlement of the Saints. Joseph said it was the place where our father Adam had blessed his children, and where he will come again to visit his people. So the place was called Adam-ondi-Ahman.

Elders Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith were then ordained Apostles, the brethren prayed and sang and then dismissed the meeting, bidding good-bye to the eighteen Saints present. Not a mobber was astir that morning, and the word of the Lord was again fulfilled. Topics. 1. Governor Boggs' exterminating order. 2. Betrayal of Joseph and his brethren. 3. Adam-ondi-Ahman. 4.

Do you mind the sackings and burnings at Adam-Ondi-Ahman? Do you mind the wife of Joseph's brother, Don Carlos, she that was made by the soldiers to wade Grand River with two helpless babes in her arms? They would not even let her warm herself, before she started, at the flames of her own hut they had fired. And, laddie, you mind Haun's mill.

What kind of court did General Lucas have to try Joseph and his brethren? 7. What was their sentence? 8. Why was it not carried out? 9. What did General Clark say in his speech? 10. Where was Adam-ondi-Ahman? 11. Why was it so called? 12. What did Brigham Young now do? 13. Tell about the meeting held at Far West, April 26, 1839.