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On January 18, 1568, Don Carlos was seized and placed in close confinement. The Council of State condemned him to death, but before the sentence could be executed the prince died in an unknown manner. MONSIEUR DE SAVOIE. Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, was born at Chambéry, July 8, 1528. He was an officer in the army of Charles V., and in 1557 won the battle of Saint-Quentin.

The chief industry of the place consists in its woolen factories. Here, on October 15, 1558, the plenipotentiaries appointed by the French met those of Spain, with whom were associated the ambassadors of Mary of England and of the Duke of Savoy.

1 8: Savoyards: boys and men from Savoy, southeastern France, are seen throughout the country exercising such trades as those of bootblacks, chimney-sweeps, charcoal-venders; cf. note to 74 27. Savoyards ... tête ... leurs boîtes: cf. note to 29 11. 1 10: Du dehors ... rien: 'seen from the outside the house seemed nothing at all, 'was in no way remarkable'.

«I am in daily expectation that the four Priests who were applied for sometime ago, from Savoy, will arrive here, and not a moment's time shall be lost in sending them to Canada.

Le Caire est par excellence la ville des hôtels somptueux, des palaces superbes. Notre «grand luxe» ira au Savoy, au Ghesireh ou au Shepheards et y dépensera de 30