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"He's so afeared o' me that he's jist a tremblin'." After her duties were over, Barney said, mopping his brow: "Faix, but the noight is warm. A stroll in the air wudn't be bad, oi'm a-thinkin'." "Oi'm cool as a cowcumber," remarked Sally. "We'll wait for ye till ye goes out and gits cooled off;" and she sat down complacently, while the cook and the laundress tittered.

Anna laughed and Jamie, putting his hand behind his ear, asked: "What's that what's that?" The name and remarks of the gentleman who seconded the vote of thanks were repeated to him. "Ha, ha, ha!" he laughed as he slapped me on the knee. "Well, well, well, if that wudn't make a brass monkey laugh!" "Say," he said to me, "d'ye mind th' night ye come home covered wi' clabber " "Whisht!"

They're all that stand betune me and dis-ris-pect-ability. Av I didn't shave, I wud be torminted wid an outrajis thurrst; for there's nothin' so dhryin' to the throat as a big billy-goat beard waggin' undher the chin. Ye wudn't have me dhrink ALWAYS, Dinah Shadd? By the same token, you're kapin' me crool dhry now. Let me look at that whiskey.

I've got 'em all back all I took from them. . . . An' I ain't chargin' nothin' fer it neither." Mahon thought it all out laboriously. "But you stole them again from Torrance." "Sure! Torrance knowed they was stole. He wudn't 'a got any other kind fer ten bucks. Yuh don't call that rustlin'?" Mahon smiled the halfbreed's code was so simple. "Tell it to the Inspector like that," he pleaded.

Why, I do think you are looking remarkably well to-day," cried the matron, her brisk step, bright face, and cheery voice eloquent of her splendid vitality and high spirit. "Och! thin, an' who wudn't luk well in your prisince?" said the gallant little Irishman, with a touch to his hat. "Sure, it's better than the sunlight to see the smile av yer pritty face."

"If yuh say so when I got the money myself, I'll give him the ten bucks a head he paid me fer 'em las' year . . . but I'm sure goin' to git them horses back fust the way they come, an' I'm not goin' to take any o' your money. Anyway he wudn't sell fer ten bucks." "The Police never forgive," she sighed. The half breed leaned thoughtfully against a tree, chewing the twig.

"Begorrah, Tom," cried he, wiping his eye with the sleeve of his jumper, "Oi wudn't 'a belaved it, sure, if ye hadn't towld me, mabouchal, wid yer own potato trap! Faith, the poor chap samed quoite a t'other sort.

In accordance with his custom, therefore, he stopped under the high window from whence gleamed the light, for the sake of a little personal counsel. "Now, Pat," he muttered, "if yees had gone home at nine o'clock, yees wudn't be afeared to go home now; and if yees go home now widout a dollar more or less, the ould 'ooman will make yer wish yees had set on the curbstone the rest o' the night.

How kin she help herself? Yer leave it ter me." "And he consented?" "He wus damn glad to, after I told him how it cud be done. But Tim he wudn't go in with us, an' thet's why we got ter hav' anuther man. Come on over ter the bar an' hav' a drink, Moffett; them other fellers are goin' ter eat now." The diversion gave me opportunity for a moment's thought.

'I misremimber fwhat nonsinse I said, but I was not so far gone that I cud not hear a fut on the dirt outside. 'Twas Bragin comin' in, an' by the same token Annie was comin' to. I jumped to the far end av the veranda an' looked as if butter wudn't melt in my mouth. But Mrs. Quinn, the Quarter-Master's wife that was, had tould Bragin about my hangin' round Annie.