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There's a sair spang o' the auld sin o' the warld in you sea; it's an unchristian business at the best o't; an' whiles when it gets up, an' the wind skreights the wind an' her are a kind of sib, I'm thinkin' an' thae Merry Men, the daft callants, blawin' and lauchin', and puir souls in the deid thraws warstlin' the leelang nicht wi' their bit ships weel, it comes ower me like a glamour.

There's a sair spang o' the auld sin o' the world in yon sea; it's an unchristian business at the best o't; an' whiles when it gets up, an' the wind skreighs the wind an' her are a kind of sib, I'm thinkin' an' thae Merry Men, the daft callants, blawin' and lauchin', and puir souls in the deid-thraws warstlin' the leelang nicht wi' their bit ships weel, it comes ower me like a glamour.

"Weel, ae nicht I had come hame worn oot wi' warstlin' to gar bairns eat that had no hunger, I spied upo' the table a bottle o' whusky. A frien' o' mine a grocer he was had sent it across the street to me, for it was hard upo' Hogmanay. I rang the bell incontinent.

I wad fain ken hoo the Maister wad hae managed wantin' onything to begin upo'. As it was, he aye hang what he did upo' something his Father had dune afore him." "Hoots!" returned Jean, who looked upon Janet as a lover of conundrums, "ye're aye warstlin' wi' run k-nots an' teuch moo'fu's."

Ye aye anger me; but I wad raither hae a body anger me wi' tellin' me the trowth, nor I wad hae a' the fair words i' the dictionar'. It's a strange thing, wumman, but aye whan a body's tryin' maist to gang upricht he's sure to catch a dreidfu' fa'. There I hae been warstlin' wi' my ill-temper mair nor ever I did i' my life afore; and I never i' my days lickit twa laddies for lickin' ane anither till jist this verra day.