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See, the Eskdale callants, and fighting Charlie of Liddesdale, and the Lockerby lads, and the four Dandies of Lustruther, and a wheen mair grey plaids, are coming up behind; and if you are wranged, there is the hand of a Manly Morrison, we'll see you righted, if Carlisle and Stanwix baith took up the feud."

Gellatley on an excursion of such unwonted extent, Edward began to dress himself in all haste, during which operation the minstrelsy of Davie changed its tune more than once: There's nought in the Highlands but syboes and leeks, And lang-leggit callants gaun wanting the breeks, Wanting the breeks, and without hose and shoon, But we'll a'win the breeks when King Jamie comes hame.

But the callants of the school had heard of the victory, and were going shouting about, and had set the steeple bell a-ringing, by which Mrs Malcolm heard the news; and knowing that Charles's ship was with the fleet, she came over to the manse in great anxiety to hear the particulars, somebody telling her that there had been a foreign letter to me by the postman.

The callants not only employed their hands in hurling stones, but not unfrequently slings; at the use of which they were very expert, and which occasionally dislodged teeth, shattered jaws, or knocked out an eye.

"For peety's sake," he said, "can ye no dae better than ask all the auld buddies in the countryside; an' the place jist swarmin' wi' young callants. There's Tom Teeter, now, he'd jump at the chance, only ye'd hae to gag him atween pieces." "It's too great a risk to run," laughed Miss Hillary. She knit her pretty brows in perplexity. "Perhaps Mr. Clegg will take pity on me."

"A blessing on your precious face!" she cried. "Twa joes o' mine: just twa o' my old joes, my hinny dear." "What did they suffer for?" I asked. "Ou, just for the guid cause," said she. "Aften I spaed to them the way that it would end. Twa shillin' Scots; no pickle mair; and there are twa bonny callants hingin' for 't! They took it frae a wean belanged to Brouchton."

Ye will remember him best o' ony o' them, I reckon; for even when ye were baith bits o' callants, there was a sort o' rivalship between ye for the affections o' bonny Katie Alison, the loveliest lassie that ever I had at my school.

Indeed, what is there above man’s exertions? Unwearied determination will enable him to run with the horse, to swim with the fish, and assuredly to compete with the chamois and the goat in agility and sureness of foot. To scale the rock was merely child’s play for the Edinbro’ callants. It was my own favourite diversion.

The nearer we approached, the more Scotch everything appeared; in some cases I even saw my dear native 'middens afore the door: the aspect of the houses and looks of the old women especially, with their stoups and country caps so very like mutches striped petticoats and short-gowns, brought northern climes before me vividly; and the children stared and shouted like true Scots callants.

Let women sit and greet at hame, men must do as they have been done by; it's the Scripture says't." "Haud your tongue, sir," said one of the seniors, sternly; "dinna abuse the Word that gate, ye dinna ken what ye speak about." "Hae ye ony tidings? Hae ye ony speerings, Hobbie? O, callants, dinna be ower hasty," said old Dick of the Dingle.