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The white stick farthest from the white reed was handed him. This Hasjelti placed to the soles of the feet, knees, palms, etc., of the invalid, amid hoots and antics, after which he dashed out and hurled the stick to the east. One of the Hostjoboard entered and received the next white stick, and after the same ceremony ran out and cast it to the east.

She hoots at the idea of anything improper between you and Vocco, in act or thought. She evidently tells the truth. It is plain that she and Vocco are a devoted pair, that you and he never did anything wrong or thought of anything wrong. I sent for Vocco and talked with him. I am all but clear what I should do, but I am not quite clear.

The steamer gave four timid hoots. The people in the cabin lay in the darkness wondering if they had broken down, for it was not nearly midnight. At last the mate came in. "Why, you're all in the dark," he said. Some one asked, "When shall we get to Brindisi?" "We're there," said the mate.

But she would not sit down to dinner, and paced up and down in her white dress, turning again and again to the window, listening to the soft rush of the trains, the faint hoots from the track, and the musical chords from the junction a mile away. The lights were up by now, and the vast sweep of the towns looked like fairyland between the earthly light and the heavenly darkness.

But he failed to reach this haven of rest, and was forced to stop at an old stump which stuck up, looking very like the moss-grown horns of the "dear departed." Roosting here, Sam began to shout for aid in every key possible to the human voice. Such hoots and howls, whistles and roars, never woke the echoes of the lonely marsh before, or scared the portly frog who resided there in calm seclusion.

Unravel it to the end of the thread and know if it ends there, is snapped, is broken or "Or my God," he cried aloud, "I never knew what those two little letters meant before not till I face them this way, on the Edge of Things!" He gathered the mob together and led them against the jail with hoots and shouts and curses; with flaming torches, and crow-bars, with axes and old guns.

The factor uttered a horrible imprecation on himself if he did not make him pay dearly for his behaviour. "Hoots, sir! Be asham't o' yersel'. Gang hame to the mistress, an' I s' be up the morn's mornin' for my wages." "If ye set foot on the grounds again, I'll set every dog in the place upon you." Malcolm laughed.

Innes had made up his mind as to whether the old lady intended a personal rebuke. 'Hae, grannie, he said, going up to her, and putting the two sovereigns in her white palm. He had found some difficulty in making Shargar give up his, else he would have returned sooner. 'What's this o' 't, laddie? said Mrs. Falconer. 'Hoots! I'm nae gaein' to tak yer siller. Lat the puir soutar-craturs hae 't.

The yellow and black sticks were disposed of in a similar manner, Hasjelti officiating with the first stick of each color and the reeds. The yellow sticks were thrown to the west; the black to the north. This was all done amidst the wildest hoots and song of the choir, accompanied by the rattle. Hasjelti again appeared and placed the square four times over the invalid’s head with wild hoots.

But as it left her lips she rose, grasping it in both hands, and with the dignity of a messenger of the Most High, before which the deacon drew back, bore it to the laird, and having made him drink the little that was left, yielded it to the conservator of holy privileges, with the words: "Hoots, man! the puir body never had a taste o' the balm o' Gilead in a' 's persecutit life afore!"