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"Mind noo ye've promised," said Nelly, highly pleased with the reception her proposal had met; "mind ye've promised to come hame wi' me; and there's no ane in a' the warld I would like sae weel to come hame wi' as our ain Jock." "I'll mind that," said Jock.

"Me!" exclaimed Malcolm with surprise. " As gien he wad heed a word I said!" "Very little sometimes will turn a man either in one direction or the other," said Mrs Courthope. "But surely, mem, ye dinna believe in sic fule auld warld stories as that! "I don't say I believe it," returned Mrs Courthope, a little pettishly; "but there's no good in mere foolhardiness."

"'This warld does ever flight and wary, Fortune sae fast her wheel does cary, Na time but turn can ever rest; For nae false charge suld ane be sary, And to be merry, I think it best. Pull up thy jaws, Will Pearson, and pull into them this flask, and thou shalt be again my merry tosspot." Will and his wife were still under the influence of their fear, and stared at him in amazement.

"Dear sir, the Captain says a three-nookit hankercher is the maist fashionable overlay, and that stocks belang to your honour and me that are auld warld folk. I beg pardon for mentioning us twa thegither, but it was what he said." "The Captain's a puppy, and you are a goose, Caxon." "It's very like it may be sae," replied the acquiescent barber: "I am sure your honour kens best."

Mony a broken hert hes that story bund up, as we ken weel in this Glen; but it's dune a feck o' mischief tae that gude word o' the Maister. Half the wastrels in the warld pay their passage hame wi' that Parable, and get a bran new outfit for anither start in the far country. "Noo dinna turn red, Chairlie, for the neeburs ken ye were tae work yir wy hame hed it no been for yir health.

He looked around, and before, and behind him, and then said "The ne'er a bit will I yield my consent to his being ill-guided for standing up for the father that got him and I gie God's malison and mine to a' sort o' magistrates, justices, bailies., sheriffs, sheriff-officers, constables, and sic-like black cattle, that hae been the plagues o' puir auld Scotland this hunder year. it was a merry warld when every man held his ain gear wi' his ain grip, and when the country side wasna fashed wi' warrants and poindings and apprizings, and a' that cheatry craft.

It's a gude thing to hae friends in this warld how muckle better to hae an interest beyond it!" And David, whose piety, though not always quite rational, was as sincere as it was habitual and fervent, looked reverentially upward and paused. Mr. Butler intimated the pleasure with which he would receive his friend's advice on a subject so important, and David resumed.

Whatever I may come to in this warld, I'll no be a heepycrit for ony leevin' man." "Quite right, Sutherland quite right. I had no intention of asking you to pray," replied Hardy, with a faint smile. "What I want you to do is to draw out my will for me." "Oh! I'm quite willin' to do that," returned the relieved Scot.

"O, what wad I gie to be ten times waur, Jeanie!" was the reply "what wad I gie to be cauld dead afore the ten o'clock bell the morn! And our father but I am his bairn nae langer now O, I hae nae friend left in the warld! O, that I were lying dead at my mother's side, in Newbattle kirkyard!"

"Kinswoman," said the Bailie, "nae man willingly wad cut short his thread of life before the end o' his pirn was fairly measured off on the yarn-winles And I hae muckle to do, an I be spared, in this warld public and private business, as weel that belonging to the magistracy as to my ain particular; and nae doubt I hae some to depend on me, as puir Mattie, wha is an orphan She's a far-awa' cousin o' the Laird o' Limmerfield.