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His mighty bulk, however, seeming to supplement hers, had its effect on the sobered German. He did not attempt to rise. "As to you, you poor weak sister," said Mrs. Slawson, turning to the wife, "you've had your last lickin' so long as you live in this house. Believe me!

"It's pumpin' water in place of blood right now, I'll bet. Did you ever have a real honest-to-God lickin' when you was a boy?" The New Yorker knew he was helpless before this clear-eyed, supple athlete who walked like a god from Olympus.

Presently Ozzie B. came in sight, hatless and driving his cows along, but sobbing in that hiccoughy way which is the final stage of an acute thrashing. No one saw more quickly than Archie B., and he knew instantly that his brother had met Jud Carpenter, on his way back to the mill. "He's caught my lickin' ag'in," said Archie B., indignantly "it's a pity he looks so much like me."

"Well, if Jake Getz saw you standin' up for his childern against his lickin' 'em or makin' 'em work hard; or if you wanted to make 'em take time to learn their books at home when he wants 'em to work or some such he'd get awful down on you. And Nathaniel Puntz he 's just the conTRARY he wants his n' spoiled he's got but the one."

We heard, too, that they wuz goin' to the Ohio at the mouth o' the Lickin, whar thar wuz to be a great getherin' o' 'em. One or two o' the white men wuz to go on ahead this mornin'. So we let 'em alone an' we spread out so we could find you. "When I run across your trail afore sundown, I wuz shore it belonged to one o' them renegades I heard called Blackstaffe, and I made up my mind to git him."

"You poor little critter," exclaimed Mrs. Cullom sympathetically. "You poor little critter!" "'T was more'n wuth it, Mis' Cullom," said David emphatically. "I'd had the most enjoy'ble day, I might say the only enjoy'ble day, 't I'd ever had in my hull life, an' I hain't never fergot it. I got over the lickin' in course of time, but I've ben enjoyin' that cirkis fer forty year.

"And if I'm any judge of what 'll be the state of Bat Reeves's feelin's in general when he gets back to the village, the Reeves family will finish up by lickin' each other and when they make a lawsuit out of that it will be worth while wastin' a few hours in court to listen to. How do you figger it, Cap'n?"

He passed her not ten feet away, so close that she made out the vague lines of his big body. A few paces farther he stopped. "I see you, girl. You ain't foolin' me any. Tell you what I'll do. You come right along back to the buckboard an' I'll let you off the lickin' this time." She trembled, violently. It seemed that he did see her, for he moved a step or two in her direction.

The boy did not seem eager to accept the challenge. 'There's nae guid in lickin a lassie! he said with a shrug. 'There mith be guid in tryin to du't though especially gien ye war lickit at it! returned the girl. 'What guid can there be in a body bein lickit at onything? 'The guid o' haein a body's pride ta'en doon a wee. 'I'm no sae sure o' the guid o' that!

"Bring your men an' be damned!" he answered; and now his head tilted back and he set his shoulders to the wall. "I'll be afther lickin' your whole crew! A man do ye call yourself? Ah-h, ye're not fit to be lickin' the boots ay a man! Slave driver? No, ye're an overseer, an' Henshaw kicks you an' you pass the kick along.