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"Gertrude, you shock me," said Madame, "to talk of so grave a misdemeanour, in such terms." "Indeed! Madame, I cannot help it. I never laughed so much in my life. Did you, Sib? Did you, Serena?" Whereupon all the girls, big and little, tittered and laughed according to their different natures, and I felt relieved.

Howsever, as Mr Pittle had taken a notion of her, and she pleased his fancy, it was far from our hand to misliken one that was sib to us; on the contrary, it was a duty laid on me by the ties of blood and relationship, to do all in my power to further their mutual affection into matrimonial fruition; and what I did towards that end, is the burden of this current chapter.

But she had refused, saying she could mortgage her old barrack if it came to that...but she didn't would he a break....Sib might never speak to her again...people were such snobs...and she mightn't like it...she wished she had been born of poor but honest parents and put to work in a canning factory or married the plumber.

Gossip has quite degenerated from its old meaning, and even "sib," though good English in Chaucer's time, is now only to be found in provincial dialects; but in German "sipp" still means "kin."

"Up to the present I have taken no special interest in you, except in so far as you are Martha's protégé; but when I saw you in that extraordinary dress last night I singled you out at once as a girl with original ideas. Do look me in the face, Sib!" Sibyl turned. Fanny's face was exquisitely chiselled. Each neat little feature was perfect.

And the next day she said, "This is Willie, my third boy," and on the day after that she said, "This is Sib, my youngest boy; I'm sure you'll love him." "I'm sure I shall," said Mr. Spillikins. He loved him already for being the youngest. And so in the fulness of time nor was it so very full either, in fact, only about five weeks Peter Spillikins and Mrs. Everleigh were married in St.

Barry, isn't this the time then to open yer honour's hand, when Miss Anty, God bless her, is afther making sich a great match for the family? Glory be to God!" "What d'ye mean, you ruffian?" "Isn't the Kellys great people intirely, Mr. Barry? and won't it be a great thing for Miss Anty, to be sib to a lord? Shure yer honour'd not be refusing me this blessed day."

"'I have heard it said by douce folk and sponsible, interrupted another, 'that every seven years the elves and fairies pay kane, or make an offering of one of their children, to the grand enemy of salvation, and that they are permitted to purloin one of the children of men to present to the fiend a more acceptable offering, I'll warrant, than one of their own infernal brood that are Satan's sib allies, and drink a drop of the deil's blood every May morning.

These same white men were sib to all their fellows in the South Seas except a few sour men whom avarice, satiety, or a broken constitution made fearful of the future and thus heedful of the decalogue.

Ormond was "sib to the Boleyns;" Ormond had been the playmate of "that sainted young Solomon, King Edward," and Ormond therefore, it was quite clear, must know whether the lands were his own or not. Against the present Desmond nothing worse was charged than that he had enforced what he considered his palatinate rights in the old, high-handed, time-immemorial fashion.