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I been tinkin' since you and Kitty been talkin' Kitty don't make no mistakes: vot Kitty says goes. Look here, Kitty, vun minute come close vunce I vant to speak to you."

In de good ole times I'd heah you chatterin' as I come up de stars, an' to-day you was bofe right smart ways off from dis kitchen in you mins. Mum, mum, tinkin' deep, bofe ob you. Eysters ud make a racket long ob you uns dis mawnin'." "There, Aun' Sheba," said Mara, kindly, "don't you worry about us. This is July, and in August we'll take a rest. You deserve and need it as much as either of us.

"Funny!" said I. "I had the same idea!" "Listen," continued the other, "I been feelin' awful bad because I told dem fellers I didn't know him. D' you suppose he knows I said dat, Billy?" "Well," said I, "he knew you were going to say it, so probably he knows you said it." "Vell," said T-S, "maybe you laugh at me, but I been tinkin' I tell dem fellows to go to hell." "What fellows?"

"I incline to the same course," said Mark, "for my well, I won't say who, is awaiting me there also." "Unless she's falled in lub wid some one else, tinkin' you was dead, massa, you know," suggested Ebony.

A dogwood stood in the corner of the rail fence, the pink and white of its blossoms well matching the girl's fair face and her rose-dotted calico gown, which, in its severe simplicity, revealed her rounded outlines. Aun' Jinkey watched her curiously, for it was evident that Miss Lou's thoughts were far away. "Wat you tinkin' 'bout, Miss Lou?" she asked. "Oh, I hardly know myself.

I vas tinkin' about dat only yesterday. Ve vill talk about dot sometimes." Felix laughed gently. "No, I don't wish any interest in the business. You pay me quite enough for the work I do, and I am quite willing to continue to serve you as long as I can. But Masie should not be brought up in these surroundings much longer.

Dat orful human natur gwine to come in now an' I belebe dat folks who know you an' all 'bout you'se family will help you, 'stid ob talkin' agin you. You see. You knows I doan' mean no disrespec' to ole Missus, but she'd jes sit down an' starbe, tinkin' ob de good dinners she orter hab, an' did hab in de ole times. All you'se folks in hebin is a smilin' on you, honey.

I reckon Missy Ella ony got a leetle tantrum dis mawnin, but you'se been a wuckin' an' tinkin' too hard dis long time." "Yes, Aun' Sheba," cried Ella, "that's the trouble. Let's you and I take the business out of her hands for a time, and make her a silent partner." "She too silent now. Bofe oh you gittin' ter be silent par'ners.

"Jes as you say, Miss Emly, pears like its queer nuf an' all happin too, an' ef he had worn just dat mustaff, without de whiskers, I'd know him yere straight off. I said long nuf, he set me on de tinkin groun um um here come Mas'r Louis lookin' arter his gal, I reckin, mighty wise he is; I'd tote a long ways ef 'twas to help him."

Hit didn't turn out bad as I s'posed it would, bress tat ar son-in-law ob mine, but I keeps a tinkin' it all ober, an' I'se 'jected, I is; an' dar's no use ob shoutin' glory wen you doan feel glory." Then she told the whole story, which kept Ella on pins and needles, for, while she felt an honest sympathy for the poor soul, she had an almost uncontrollable desire to laugh.