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He instantly dashed after her with all the fury of a bloodhound, and, being possessed of remarkable activity, speedily overtook her, and, heedless of her threats and entreaties, secured her. "Lemme go, Jem," she cried, "an ey win do thee a good turn one o' these days, when theaw may chonce to be i' th' same strait os me."

"Put down thy weapon, Cuthbert," interposed the prior; "it will avail thee nothing against odds like these." "Mey be, 'oly prior," rejoined Ashbead, flourishing the pike: "boh ey'st ony yield wi' loife." "I will disarm him," cried Demdike, stepping forward. "Theaw!" retorted Ashbead, with a scornful laugh, "Cum on, then. Hadsta aw t' fiends i' hell at te back, ey shouldna fear thee."

Ey shall be feared at onny rate ay, feared, wenches, by ye both." "Nah doubt on't, theaw little good-fo'-nothin piece o' mischief," muttered Susan.

"'Blessed are the dead that dee i' the Lord, for they rest fro their labours. An again, 'Suffer us not at our last hour, for onny pains o' death, to fa' fro thee. Oh Ruchot, dear! fo' the love theaw hadst fo' thy poor chilt, who is now delivert fro' the burthen o' th' flesh, an' dwellin' i' joy an felicity wi' God an his angels, dunna endanger thy precious sowl.

"Awt o'pontee, little wasp," cried her mother; "theaw desarves nowt boh whot theaw dustna get often enough a good whipping." "Yo hanna towd us whot yo'd do fo yurself if yo war a great lady, Alizon?" interposed Susan. "Oh, I haven't thought about myself," replied the other, laughing.

"Is she neaw comely? ay, comelier far than fat, fubsy Sukey here or than Nancy Holt, wi' her yallo hure an frecklet feace an yet ye ca' her a witch." "Ey ca' thee one, theaw feaw little whean an the dowter an grandowter o' one an that's more," cried Nancy. "Freckles i' your own feace, ye mismannert minx."

Heaw's that? An' he star't like a throttled cat. 'Nay, said Mary, 'I cannot tell what to make o' this! Th' owd woman wur theer, an' hoo said, 'Mary; Mary, my lass, thou 's gone an' spoilt it, the very first thing, theaw has.

"Yield!" cried Demdike in a voice of thunder, and fixing a terrible glance upon him. "Cum on, wizard," rejoined Ashbead undauntedly. But, observing that his opponent was wholly unarmed, he gave the pike to Hal o' Nabs, who was close beside him, observing, "It shall never be said that Cuthbert Ashbead feawt t' dule himsel unfairly. Nah, touch me if theaw dar'st."

Fearing he was about to commit some rash act, Bess rushed forward and caught hold of his doublet. "Bethink thee whot theaw has just heerd fro' t' minister, Ruchot," she cried in a voice of solemn warning.

Ey am the boggart o' th' clough, an' if theaw bringst me out, ey'n tear thee i' pieces wi' my claws, an' cast thee into t' Ribble, so that thine own hounts shan eat thee up." "Ha! say'st thou so, master boggart," cried Nicholas. "For a spirit, thou usest the vernacular of the county fairly enough.