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If t'is is true, 'ow can t'ey 'ave miss Monmoot'? Send word to Milor' Churchill at once, Wentwort'. Let t'e matter be investigate' at once, Wentwort' at once!" The General was dancing with excitement. Wentworth saluted and turned to leave the room. "If you 'ave tole me true," continued Feversham, turning now to Richard, "you shall 'ave t'e price you ask, and t'e t'anks of t'e King's army.

"In science? Bah!" "Why not? There was Mary Somerville and and and Caroline Herschel and well, I can't think of their names all in a minute, but I'm proud to be one of the girls here anyway." "You are not one of t'em," he cried angrily. "T'ey are life failures. You fancy t'ey are selected examples, but t'ey are not; t'ey are t'e rejected.

"Besides, monsieur," added Pelletan, leaning forward, "t'ese t'ings are not all what t'ey seem t'is dragon, par exemple, ees not off bronze, but off t'e plaster of Paris yet I lofe eet none t'e less more, perhaps, because off t'at fery fact." "And these ah females," said Rushford, and waved his hand at the serried photographs, "I suppose even they are necessary to your existence."

If there were one of his despised girls who lacked the desire of beauty and the dream of love, I am much mistaken. But I came to see afterward that he understood them as well as myself. "I t'ought so," he mused, his eyes still upon my face. "And you are not too beautiful now; t'ey could not doubt. Yes; I vatch you, I study you. Seldom I make t'e mistake; but it is fery important.

So t'ey die. T'ey do not reproduce t'eir kind, not'ing lifing comes from t'em, to go on lifing, on and on, better and better or vorse, as Nature planned vit' efery generation. If a voman haf t'e desire of lofe and of beauty, and lofe and beauty come not to her, t'en I pity her, because I am less vise and resolute to vit'hold pity t'an Nature is.

"I lofe to look at t'em, monsieur," confessed Pelletan. "Personal acquaintances, perhaps." "Not all of t'em, monsieur; but t'ey haf about t'em t'e flavour off Paris off t'at tear Paris off which I tream each night; t'ey recall t'e tays off my yout'!" "Oh, are you a Parisian? I should never have suspected it. Your accent " "I am off Elsass, monsieur.

Her best vork lives a little v'ile and produces its kind, and t'e vorst does not, and t'ey go down t'e dark vay toget'er and Nature neit'er veeps nor relents Kosmos is greater t'an t'e indifidual and a million years are short. "T'ose young vomen Nature meant t'em to desire beauty and dream of lofe. Vat is lofe? It is Nature's machinery. T'ose vomen are old enough for lofe, but t'ey haf it not.

To his challenging question, in which I saw the manner of a teacher with his pupils, I replied: "In your estimation goodness and beauty go together?" "T'ey are t'e same; how not? See t'is way." He shook his lean, reproving forefinger at a shapeless, melting mass that lay at the bottom of a second jar, exuding an ooze of viscid strings. "T'at," he spat the word out "is also sea anemone.

Tonight she will take her part at t'e Alcazar; at t'e toor a friend will meet her unt t'ey will go toget'er down t'e Champs-Elysées to t'e grand boulevard, where t'ey sit in front of Pousset's and trink t'eir wine unt eau sucree. T'ey will watch t'e crowds, t'ey will greet t'eir friends, t'ey will exchange t'e tay's news.

"Sure, Tocter Tseweer, I toandt hef nutting to gomblain akinst teh vertes of tat letter. You voss mighty puttickly. Ovver, shtill, I hef sumpting to tell you vot ef you het a-knowdt udt pefore you writed tose vertes, alreatty, t'ey voot a little tifferendt pin." "Well, sir, why don't you tell it?" Reisen smiled. "Tat iss teh ectsectly vot I am coing to too.