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"We had made a success of t'e pusiness," Pelletan explained, "unt I brought mit me my share of t'e profits, which seemed only fair, since I, py my labour, had earned t'em. Unt t'en I took a lease of t'is place, unt did well until t'is year. T'at iss my whole history, monsieur. T'at iss why I dare not return to Paris, efen for a small visit in winter when pusiness here iss pad.

"Sergean', you will arrest t'is rogue and t'is lady," he waved his hand from Richard to Ruth "and you will take t'em to lock..up." The sergeant advanced towards Richard, who drew a step away from him. Ruth rose to her feet in agitation. Mr. Wilding interposed himself between her and the guard, his hand upon his sword. "My lord," he cried, "do they teach no better courtesy in France?"

So t'ey die. T'ey do not reproduce t'eir kind, not'ing lifing comes from t'em, to go on lifing, on and on, better and better or vorse, as Nature planned vit' efery generation. If a voman haf t'e desire of lofe and of beauty, and lofe and beauty come not to her, t'en I pity her, because I am less vise and resolute to vit'hold pity t'an Nature is.

How vill humanity bless us if we can raise, out of t'e slums and squalor, out of t'e crooked and blind and degraded, out of t'e hospitals and prisons, t'e spawning dregs of humanity and make t'em perfect! T'ey shall valk t'e eart' like gods, rejoicing in t'eir strengt'. No more failures, no more abnormalities.

"I lofe to look at t'em, monsieur," confessed Pelletan. "Personal acquaintances, perhaps." "Not all of t'em, monsieur; but t'ey haf about t'em t'e flavour off Paris off t'at tear Paris off which I tream each night; t'ey recall t'e tays off my yout'!" "Oh, are you a Parisian? I should never have suspected it. Your accent " "I am off Elsass, monsieur.

Almost t'ou has t'e scientific mind t'at reasons and remembers. I said, I am physiologist. I study v'at Nature is, v'at she means to do. V'en Nature Gott, if you vant a shorter name makes a mistake, Gott says: 'Poor material; spoiled in shaping, wrong in t'e vorks; all failures; t'row t'em avay. Ve haf plenty more to go on vit'. You know. You study Nature, also, a little.

T'ey stood in t'e market place and no man vanted t'em; or else t'ey are fools as vell as failures and sent t'e men avay. You know me. I am biologist, not true? I hate t'e vord. I am physiologist, student of t'e nature of life all kinds of life, t'e ocean of life of v'ich man is but a petty incident." "You were speaking about " "Ach, so!

"In science? Bah!" "Why not? There was Mary Somerville and and and Caroline Herschel and well, I can't think of their names all in a minute, but I'm proud to be one of the girls here anyway." "You are not one of t'em," he cried angrily. "T'ey are life failures. You fancy t'ey are selected examples, but t'ey are not; t'ey are t'e rejected.

But perfection, you vill tell me, is far to seek," he went on, without waiting for a reply. "Yet people haf learned t'at many diseases are crimes. By-and-by, we may teach t'em t'at bat organism is t'e vorst of crimes; beautiful organism t'e first duty. V'at do you say?" The fur-capped girl pushed back her chair. "Prof. Darmstetter," she said, "will you be good enough to look at my sections?"

Coom! you shall see someding." "A moment," said the Creole. "May I inquire you how is that, that you call on us in yo' sock feet?" "Ach! I am already t'e socks putting on pefore I remember I do not need t'em! But coom! coom! see a vonderfool!" He led, and Fontenette, when he had blown a cloud of smoke through his nose, followed, saying exclusively for his own ear: "A wonder fool, yes!