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By token I ad seen a dhriver of a batthery goin' by at a trot singin' 'Home, swate home' at the top av his shout, and takin' no heed o his bridle-hand I had seen that man dhrop under the gun in the middle of a word, and come out by the limber like like a frog on a pave-stone. No. I wud not hurry, though, God knows, my heart was all in Pindi.

You see, a man may be what is it they call me? a plunderer, and yet a woman will trust him, comme ca!" "Aw yis, aw yis, Pierre; but she knew yer hand and yer tongue niver wint agin a woman, Pierre. Naw, niver a wan. Aw swate, swate, she was, wid a heart a heart, Hilton's wife, aw yis!" Pierre waved Macavoy into silence. "The girl waked after three hours with a start. Her hand caught at her heart.

"Oh, let us pass," said Merwyn, in a loud tone. "A cop knocked her husband on the head, and we are taking her to him." "Och! ye are roight, me mon. We'll let onybody pass who spakes in her swate brogue;" and the crowd parted. Reaching the hospital, Sally rushed into the office with the breathless demand, "Where's Barney?"

"I'm thinkin' it don't pay to let it go an' not have the doctor see about it," growled the butler in a deep bass voice. "An' ain't they seein' about it wid all their eyes, the ould docthor a-peekin' at the swate little thing t'rough his goggles, an' puttin' a wee bit t'ermom'ter into her mouth what for I do' 'no' unless 'tis ter foind out if it's near toime fer her ter be a-talkin'."

All that I can make out is what seems to be the chorus: "'O Ireland, green Ireland, Swate gem o' the sae!" "Mamma," said Annie, after listening with smiling interest a while, "it troubles me very often because Phelim knows nothing about our Saviour. He has a sister, two years older than I am, who cannot read. She never went to school; and none of the family can read a word."

"To be sure I does I like the capt'in och, he's a jontleman and I likes the missus; she's a laddy and I likes Miss Beuly, who's a swate young woman and then there's Miss Maud, who's the delight of my eyes. Fegs, but isn't she a crathure to relish!" Mike spoke like a good honest fellow, as he was at the bottom, with all his heart and soul. The Indian did not seem pleased, but he made no answer.

"When did I see them, is it? Bedad, what with sarvin up the liquor and keeping me counters dry and swate, I never see them at all." "That's so, Ross," chorused the crowd again, to whom the whole proceeding was delightfully farcical.

"Captain, do ye remember the little girl at Mariana five years ago, the one yersilf and the Englishman were about to break heads over?" "You mean Morgianna Lane, Terrence?" "To be sure I do. I saw the swate craythur not two months since." Fernando, who was anything but sleepy, asked: "Where did you see her, Terrence?" "In Baltimore.

Mason to the orthopedic shoe shop to be measured for her arch supports and shoes. But it was Nan whom poor Katie caught alone in a dark corner of the hall when she came back, and humbly kissed. "An' bless yer swate heart, Miss, for 'twas yer kind thought stirred up Miss Grace to tell the mistress. Bless yer swate heart again, I say!"

"What for, I wonder, could she be after making a fool of hersilf, and shamin' her swate soul with lies, for the like of you!" "Sir," said Lorison, trembling, "say what you please of me. Doubt it as you must, I will yet prove my gratitude to you, and my devotion to her. But let me speak to her once now, let me kneel for just one moment at her feet, and " "Tut, tut!" said the priest.