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"Who tould ye that loie? Shure, an' it's not here ye 'll be apt to foind the loikes o' that, me man." Winston eyed him scornfully. "You lie, Burke; I saw it with my own eyes just beyond that second turn yonder. You cannot play with me, and the sooner you master that fact the better. Now, you can take your choice lead on as I order, and keep your men away, or eat lead.

"It's a quishton ye'll foind moighty convanient to axe some-toimes whin ye're in these parts, mabouchal; an' Oi'd advise ye to larn the languish ez soon ez ye can."

However, Frank felt it his duty to learn everything possible while O'Toole could speak, and so he urged him to go on. "It's me best Oi did fer ye, Misther Merriwell an' fer th' girrul. Oi had Red Ben ready to ready to turrn on th' villains pwhat carried her off. It's your promise av protiction he asked fer if he done thot. Oi wur comin' to foind ye.

"There's an excillint rayson for that, sargint laddie," returned Clary. "One of the routes t' th' coast begins exactly opposite th' town, and they must go up-strame to foind it; El Rincon the landing-place is called." "The Corner?" "Yis, Th' Corner. Th' shore binds out there a wee bit."

'Git in, ladies, sez he, 'an' pay yer fares. Wid all the houses there's in the city, an' all the sthrates there's in it, faith, it was no good at all to thry to foind our way alone; but thim wur false paple they niver took us to the Washington Market at all; an' it was all the day we wint up to the top o' the city and down to the bottom o' the city, and spinding our money at it.

"Says Oi to mesilf whin Oi made up me moind ye wur wid the gints pwhat done ut, said Oi, 'Pat, me bhoy, Ben is yer friend, an' ye are his friend, an' it's up to ye to go along an' foind him an' give him a tip to git under cover before it rains. Oi'm here. It's roight foine luck Oi found yez.

We've worruked togither guidin' more than wance, and nivver a bit av a quarrel did we have. Oi'd not tell ye a loie, an' Oi want ye to know thot Frank Merriwell will rake these mountains down an' lay them level av he don't foind thot girrul. It's a big oath he has taken to make anny wan shmart thot has caused her wan minute av distress."

Hope was already upon her feet, her puzzled face brightening. "Oh, that is what I wanted to do, but I was not sure it would be best. How can I get there from here?" "Ye'd have ter take the stage back to Topeky; loikely they'd be runnin' thrains out from there on the new road. It'll be aisy fer me ter foind out from some av the lads down below."

"Then he came to ax me things an' foind out more. He knows as much as I do now. Us sits here an' talks him over." Lady Joan still addressed Tembarom. "What interest can you have in the man who ought to be in your place?" she asked. "What possible interest?" "Well," he answered awkwardly, "because he ought to be, I suppose. Ain't that reason enough?"

Do you think I could be selfish enough to spend my money for my own comfort and luxury, knowing that such poor people might be suffering on this train?" "Yer heart's all roight, Greg, ould bhoy," explained Barney; "but ye'll foind thot yer pocketbook isn't big enough to alleviate all th' suffering thot ye'll discover in the world.