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Checking those shafts by means of his arrowy showers, that mighty car-warrior, viz., the son of Indra, despatched Susarman's troops unto Yama's abode.

How also, forsaking thy follower, dost thou droop so amidst foes? Thus addressed by Pritha's son, the mighty Susarman, that lord of countless cars saying unto Bhima, Stay! Stay! suddenly turned round and rushed at him. Then Bhima, the son of Pandu, leaping down from his car, as he alone could do, rushed forward with great coolness, desirous of taking Susarman's life.

How also, forsaking thy follower, dost thou droop so amidst foes? Thus addressed by Pritha's son, the mighty Susarman, that lord of countless cars saying unto Bhima, 'Stay! Stay! suddenly turned round and rushed at him. Then Bhima, the son of Pandu, leaping down from his car, as he alone could do, rushed forward with great coolness, desirous of taking Susarman's life.

And having slain also those soldiers that protected his rear, he dragged from the car his antagonist's charioteer to the ground. And seeing the king of Trigarta's car without a driver, the defender of his car-wheels, the famous and brave Madiraksha speedily came to his aid. And thereat, leaping down from Susarman's car, and securing the latter's mace the powerful Virata ran in pursuit of him.

And having slain also those soldiers that protected his rear, he dragged from the car his antagonist's charioteer to the ground. And seeing the king of Trigarta's car without a driver, the defender of his car-wheels, the famous and brave Madiraksha speedily came to his aid. And thereat, leaping down from Susarman's car, and securing the latter's mace the powerful Virata ran in pursuit of him.