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"But ladies, you are overlooking something which makes the plan impracticable. You see, if you bring one of them home, and one remains behind with the other, there will be three persons there when one of you comes back for that other, for some one must drive the buggy back, and three can't come home in it." They all exclaimed, "Why, sure-ly, that is so!" and they were, all perplexed again.

Meanwhile, the hum of conversation grew louder around him, and opinion ran high on the subject of "the right of the road." "The roads are made for the people, sure-ly!" said one of a group of men standing near the largest table in the room "And the people 'as the right to 'xpect safety to life an' limb when they uses 'em." "Well, the motors can put forward the same claim," retorted another.

His mouth expanded into the broadest of grins and he coloured to his ears when he caught sight of Hannah. "Ecod Hannah, my gal, if the sight o' 'ee baint good fur sore eyes. I'm in luck sure-ly. Fi' minutes more an' 'ee'd ha' found me gone. Dang me if 'ee baint bonnier than ever." "Don't 'ee talk silly, Giles Topham. Keep your nonsense for Hester Roberts." "Hester Roberts!

Bumble, the beadle, striving to undo the wicket of the garden-gate. 'Goodness gracious! Is that you, Mr. Bumble, sir? said Mrs. Mann, thrusting her head out of the window in well-affected ecstasies of joy. Mr. Bumble, how glad I am to see you, sure-ly! Now, Mr.

The minutes seemed to be taken up alternately by the grey puffs from their mouths. It was the tinker who renewed the colloquy. Said he, "Times is bad!" His companion assented, "Sure-ly!" "But it somehow comes round right," resumed the tinker. "Why, look here. Where's the good o' moping? I sees it all come round right and tight. Now I travels about. I've got my beat.

"I should like to try the effect of a bullet among the skins," said Grantham, leisurely drawing forth and cocking a pistol, after having whispered something in the ear of his companion. "Nay, officer," said Desborough, now for the first time manifesting serious alarm "you sure-LY don't mean to bore a hole through them innocent skins?"

Not a little surprised to hear his words repeated, the Yankee lost somewhat of his confidence as he replied, "well now sure-LY, you officers didn't think nothin' o' that I expect I was in a mighty rage to find my small bore gone, and I did curse a little hearty, to be sure." "The small bore multiplied in your absence," observed Grantham; "when I looked at the hut there were two."

"I'll soon find out," said Dick, going outside and putting his hand over the gunwale, calling out the instant afterwards, "You're right, Master Bob! We be moving, right enough. Aye, so we be, sure-ly!"

"All wool, you say, only the stripes; but, as they was nearly all stripes, you needn't holler much about the wool, I reckon. How much, now?" "Two hundred and ten dollars," replied Walker, with impressive exactness. "Thunder!" exclaimed the landlord. "I thought they might be fancy-priced, sure-ly, but that's awful!"

Another interval of silence followed this confession. "I'll tell 'ee what, Master Bob," observed Dick, on their comparing notes again presently, when both acknowledged to being cold and wet and miserable. "Let us crawl into the cabin and lie down, hey? It'll be warmer than here, sure-ly!"