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"Anyway he’ll give Oro stiffer competition than he’s had in the last two races. Unless that Lieutenant Spath up at the camp tries again with that long-legged black of his," Topham added. "What about it, Kirby? You willing to match Shiloh?" "He’s green, but, yes, I’ll do it." Drew’s motives were mixed.

The other day an aged woman knocked at my door and pretended to my acquaintance. It was long before I had the most distant cognition of her; but at last together we made her out to be Louisa, the daughter of Mrs. Topham, formerly Mrs. Morton, who had been Mrs. Reynolds, formerly Mrs. Kenney, whose first husband was Holcroft, the dramatic writer of the last century. St.

And then I waked and tried to fancy new ways of getting rid of it, but my head ached, and my back ached, and my whole body was so strained and cramped that I was on the point of giving it all up when that blessed old Topham came in. He set the big box down with a bang that nearly cracked my head. He turned on the lights, and stood whistling Tommy Atkins.

On perusing a document of such weighty import, Julian had no hesitation to give up his horse to this formidable functionary; whom somebody compared to a lion, which, as the House of Commons was pleased to maintain such an animal, they were under the necessity of providing for by frequent commitments; until "Take him, Topham," became a proverb, and a formidable one, in the mouth of the public.

And a note was written and transported by the page early next morning to the mansion of the Sawyers, in Belgravine Place. The Topham Sawyers had just come down to breakfast; Mrs. Mrs. Topham Sawyer. "Well, upon my word, I don't know where things will end. Mr. Sawyer, the Timminses have asked us to dinner." Mr. Topham Sawyer. "Ask us to dinner! What d impudence!" Mrs. Topham Sawyer.

Hamilcar, Mister Kirby would like to remove the layers of dust he has managed to pick up. Good luck to you both!" Drew found himself laughing as he followed Hamilcar to the rear of the building. Topham had reason to be proud of his bath, Drew admitted some time later.

Shelton is killed," a woman said, running out, "and Lucy Shelton has had her arm cut off. Where is Dr. Topham?" Mrs. Hargreaves came out of her door with a basin of water and some linen torn into strips for bandages just as the doctor ran in from the Sikh Square, where he had been attending to several casualties. "That is right," he nodded to Mrs. Hargreaves; "this is a bad business, I fear."

Topham and Coghill, Masters in Chancery, were deprived of their offices, and the Protestant Chancellor was arbitrarily removed to make way for Baron Rice, a Catholic.

Lieutenant Topham and Dick, on entering, had turned toward the table reserved for counsel. For a moment, Dick Prescott had raised his face to the gallery. There he beheld Mrs. Bentley, Laura and Belle, all gazing down at him with smiling, friendly faces. Dick could not send them a formal greeting. But he looked straight into the eyes of each in turn.

"And hark ye, friend," said Mr. Topham; "you will have the horses at the door of Mr. Shortell, the mercer, in two hours, as we shall refresh ourselves there with a cool tankard, and learn what folks live in the neighbourhood that may be concerned in my way. And you will please to have that saddle padded, for I am told the Derbyshire roads are rough.