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Are they all as purty as you? she sez, and Jimmy sez, 'Purtier if anything, and she sez, 'I'll be steppin' over to-day to see yer ma, and Jim ran home and told them all, and they all got brushed and combed and actin' good, and in she comes, laving her carriage at the dure, and her in a long pink velvet cape draggin' behind her on the flure, and wide white fer all around it, her silk skirts creakin' like a bag of cabbage and the eyes of her just dancin' out of her head, and she says, 'These are fine purty childer ye have here, Mrs.

As they entered the house, Sundown apologized for having delayed supper, stating that he had been so interested in discussing with Anita the "best breed of chickens to raise for eggs," that other things had for the nonce not occupied his attention. "And we're sure walkin' on music," he added. "Jest steppin' along on the notes of that there song.

So when Malachi come and saw the sheriff steppin' round in his paten' leathers, it give him the needle, and he got a bead on him and away went Sheriff Fargo right away! That seems to be the sense of the public. And he stops again, soft and quick, and looks the twelve in the eyes at once. 'But, says Freddy Tarlton here, 'are you goin' to hang a man on the little you know?

"An' you're the man they say's the cleverest steppin' between Winnipeg and the Mountains an' an' you talk to me like that! Is the ould fella always in the house? Is he always upstairs? I ask you now. I'll tell you this, y'r anner " The Young Doctor interrupted him. "Don't you suppose that there's somebody always watching, Patsy the half-breed, the Chinaman?" Kernaghan snapped a finger.

"Then step lively," says I, "before they get glued up for good. Down this way. Here you are, in there among the palms! See, there's Uncle Jerry rubberin' around!" "Oh, yes!" squeals Millie, clappin' her hands. "Dear old Uncle Jerry! But but, Torchy, where is er his nephew?" "Eh?" says I. "Why, there on the bench, doin' the yawn act!" "Wha-a-a-at!" gasps Millie, steppin' in for a closer look.

"An' so you will, too, avillish. Throth, Owen, it's you that'll be the proud man, steppin' in to them in all your grandeur! Ha, ha, ha! The spirit o' the M'Carthys is in you still, Owen." "Ha, ha, ha! It is, darlin'; it is, indeed; an' I'd be sarry it wasn't. I long to see poor Widow Murray. I dunna is her son, Jemmy, married.

"He took out his pocket pen and his check book and done a little figgerin'. "'Humph! he says, again. 'You lost five hundred and I've paid you five hundred and five. What's the five for? "'That's my commission on the sales, I says. "And just then comes a hail from outside the shanty. Out we bolted and there was Sam Davis, just steppin' ashore from his power boat.

The Airedale grew rigid, and his spike of a tail cocked up straight and stiff. Bud Shoop waved his hands helplessly. "I might 'a' knowed it! A lady can always get a man steppin' on his own foot when he tries to walk around a argument with her. You done bribed me and corrupted Bondsman. But I'm stayin' right by what I said." Dorothy jumped up and took Bud's big hand in her slender ones.

He gives me the name of his hotel and after collectin' the diagram of the mystery I does a slow exit to my desk in the next office. I was sittin' there half an hour later with my hair rumpled, makin' a noise like deep thinkin', when in walks the hand of fate steppin' heavy on his heels, as usual.

An' each time we chins with the Signorita there's them two locoes steppin' and sidle'n' around her, actin' that silly-like that me and Ally Bazan takes an' beats our heads agin' the walls so soon as we're alone just because we're that pizen mortified.