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"By this time the rowboat has gone a little ways off, an' then at last Hardenberg says: "'Welkum aboard, Signorita. "And Strokher cuts in with "'We thought it was to be a man that 'ud join us here to take command, but you, he says an' oh, butter wouldn't a-melted in his mouth 'But you he says, 'is always our mistress. "'Very right, bueno.

And whenever the drum beat to quarters, and the sailors were hurrying to their stations, this little signorita would outrun them all to gain her own quarters at the capstan, where she would stand by the chaplain's side, grasping his hand, and looking up archly in his face.

'I hope, says he, 'our delightful acquaintanceship ain't a-goin' for to end abrupt this-a-way. "'Oh, you nice, big Mister Men, pipes up the Signorita in English, 'we will meet down there in Gortamalar soon again, yes, because I go down by the vapour carriages to-morrow. "'Unprotected, too, says Hardenberg, waggin' his fool head. 'An' so young! "Holy Geronimo!

Many more days passed before he was able to answer questions, and weeks crept by before he could give any coherent account of himself. His first sensible inquiry related to his bride. "Where is she? What have they done with her?" he demanded to know. "The illustrious signore has taken the signorita away with him, no one knows whither," answered the monk who was minding him.

At that time Niusha, a chambermaid, was in their service; at times they jestingly called her signorita Anita a seductive black-haired girl, who, if she were to change costumes, could in appearance be taken for a dramatic actress, or a princess of the royal blood, or a political worker.

The wife of the general, always so respectable and restrained, was yelling in her boudoir at signorita Anita, and cursing in the words of a cab-driver: the signorita was in the fifth month of pregnancy.

"Ain't it plum foolish-like o' them two gesabes to go flyin' up in the air like two he-hens on a hot plate for nothin' in the world but because a neat lookin' feemale woman has looked at 'em some soft? "We has two or three more palavers with the Signorita Esperanza and stacks the deck to beat the harbor police and the Customs people an' all, an' to nip down the coast with our contraband.

In a chair by the window, with her head bowed, sat a young Italian girl. As Isburn approached her; he glanced about the room, but Miss Dana was not present. "Signorita," he said, "I am informed that you have come to restore the ring which you took from me." Then he noticed by her side was the same basket in which she had brought the flowers, but this time it was empty.

"Then we palavers a whole lot an' settles the way the thing is to be run, an' fin'ly, when we'd got as far as could be that day, the Signorita stood up an' says: "'Now me good fellows. 'Twas Spanish she spoke.

Me good fellows, says the Signorita, 'but don't you be afraid that they's no man is at the head o' this business. An' with that the party chucks off hat an' skirts, and I'll be Mexican if it wa'n't a man after all! "'I'm the Signor Barreto Palachi, gentlemen, says he. 'The gringo police who wanted for to arrest me made the disguise necessary.