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The name "Anita Adair" had meant nothing, of course, among her old neighbors, but everybody had known Kedzie's ways ever since first she had had ways. Her image had no sooner walked into her first scene than fellows who had kissed her, and girls who had been jealous of her, began to buzz. "Look, that's Kedzie." "For mercy's sake, Kedzie Thropp!" Yep, that's old Throppie."

"The Planetara wrecked? Miko dead?" "And Hahn and Coniston. George Prince too. We are the only survivors." While we divested ourselves of the Erentz suits, at his command, I told him briefly of the Planetara's fall. All had been killed on board, save Anita and me. We had escaped, awaited his coming. The treasure was here; we had located the Grantline camp, and were ready to lead him to it.

Anita Richmond had accepted the druggist's challenge. She was approaching in a stranger-like manner a ticket of some sort held before her. "Pardon me," she began, "but would you care to buy a ticket?" "To to what?" It was all Fairchild could think of to say. "To the Old Timers' Dance. It's a sort of municipal thing, gotten up by the bureau of mines to celebrate the return of silver mining."

She did not hear. Stewart and Anita had made the curve above and were coming down at frantic speed. Marie stood, her back to the oncoming rush of the sled, swaying slightly. When she could hear the singing of the runners she stooped and slid the tree branch out against the track. She had acted almost by instinct, but with devilish skill.

The light was fading overhead, but the church lamps gave a soft glow that seemed to shield off the shadowy gloom. "Father Josef came all the way from New Mexico to St. Ann's to have me come back here, and Mother Bridget sent Sister Anita, you remember her, up to St. Louis to come with me by way of New Orleans.

"Would that I had a cloak of velvet," he said gallantly, "so that I might lay it in the mire at your feet, fair lady." Anita Windham flashed a smile at him. "Like the chivalrous Don Walter Raleigh," she responded. "Ah, but I am not a Queen Elizabeth. Nor is this London." She regarded with a shrug of distaste the stretch of mud-flats reaching to the tide-line, rubbish littered and unfragrant.

"'I am so glad, said Anita, 'that you have not got him now, for we can have our first meal in the cot all by ourselves. I'll run up-stairs and dress, and then I will come down and do my first cooking. "In a very short time Anita appeared in a neat dress of coarse blue stuff, a little short in the skirts, with a white apron over it.

Many times she escaped discovery only by a miracle, as when she stooped behind an oxcart, pretending to tie her shoe, or once when they all met face to face, and although she lowered her veil Stewart must have known her instantly had he not been so intent on helping Anita over a slippery gutter. She planned a dozen forms of revenge and found them impossible of execution.

"Oh, well," said Mrs. Fortescue, touching the harpstrings, "If you are fomenting a love affair between Anita at Fort Blizzard and Broussard in the tropics, it is your affair." "Elizabeth," said the Colonel, "I am not a person to foment love affairs, or any other private and personal affairs." "I said if you were fomenting a love affair, John," replied Mrs.

The last mournful strains filled the cabin just as the last lingering rays of sunlight disappeared from the mountain top, and shadows came creeping down the rugged walls of rock to concentrate in the Flower Pocket, as Anita had named her valley home. Redburn rose from his seat at the window, and reached the instrument to its accustomed shelf, darting a glance toward sad Anita, a moment later.