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"But I thought Bud meant something special was about due." "It wouldn't surprise me if it did happen," declared the western lad. "But I wasn't thinking of anything out of the usual. Only the combination Four Eyes missing and us seeing the light makes me suspicious. So I'm ready for anything." "And I'm ready for my bunk!" declared Dick, with a yawn. "It's most morning! Let's turn in!"

"Your ideals aren't very different way down at their roots both clean, true, sincere, and all that," I said, with a little yawn, so she might not guess how tremblingly concerned I really was. "You don't know all the differences, Lucy," she said sadly. "There's something the trouble with me something left out something that I cannot blame Bob for feeling sorry about. I believe I'll tell you.

I don't know I used to do hundreds of errands without forgetting one. Maybe 'tis with your mother. And then belike a man gets old. Grandfather, he could remember like a printed book, to the very last." Ditte got up quickly and shook out her frock. "There!" said she with a yawn. They put the rags in sacks and tied them up.

"Do you think it will rain so much today that we can't go over to St. Pierre with the little launch engine?" asked the Captain. "No telling," said Uncle Teddy, vainly trying to stifle a telltale yawn. Uncle Teddy was secretly wishing that Katherine had overslept with the rest of them and did not have such a tremendous idea of good sportsmanship.

"Jos is a devil of a fellow at billiards, and at everything else, too. I wish there were any tiger-hunting about here! we might go and kill a few before dinner. Here George Osborne gave a yawn. "It's rather slow work," said he, "down here; what shall we do?" "Shall we go and look at some horses that Snaffler's just brought from Lewes fair?" Crawley said.

"Ah! it is a long while, you see, since you spoke laughingly we have both heartily laughed at it of the 'caprices of Marianne. Do you know what I am, my dear Guy? Yes, where is the mad creature who was formerly your mistress? Abandoned to dark, profound and incurable ennui, I yawn my life away, as some one said, I yawn it away even to the point of dislocating my jaw.

The first comer is a wretch, Femme woman rhymes with infame, infamous. Yes, I have the spleen, complicated with melancholy, with homesickness, plus hypochondria, and I am vexed and I rage, and I yawn, and I am bored, and I am tired to death, and I am stupid! Let God go to the devil!"

The three girls spent an afternoon in the British Museum, and discussed Mollusks and Lepidoptera with surreptitious pauses to yawn behind the glass cases, until the first barriers of formality were broken down by the fascination of Egyptian mummies, and the thrilling, imaginary histories which Peggy wove concerning their life on earth.

She stood up and turned to him again. "Do I not know what hatred means?" "Eden, you understand it so well that your conception of love must be clearer still." "Love, indeed!" She laughed disdainfully. "Why, love is a fever that ends with a yawn. Love! Why, men used to die of love. Now they buy it as they buy their hats, ready-made." "Then I am in that fever now Hush! here is your husband.

She did not employ the deception of a start, but opened her eyes quietly to meet his. "Lazy!" he said. "It is twenty-six minutes past seven." "So late?" she said, twisting into a long, luxurious yawn. He kissed her directly on that yawn between the open lips. "You stay in bed this morning. Rest up." "I think I will, Albert, if you don't mind." "You turn right over and have your nap out.