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The marginal notes to the Bible are exceedingly valuable, especially to the unlearned. There we find that Jedidiah means 'beloved of the Lord. Ed. The birth of a babe is a period of excitement. Parents should hope that the new comer is a Jedidiah.

But about the boundary-line atwixt them they could not agree: Schatrenschar maintaining that he had lived there longest, and had a right to choose where the wall should be built between himself and a later comer; Al Kahlminar declaring that the world was not made for Schatrenschar, furthermore, that the Astronomer had paid nothing for the land, and had already more than he could attend to, since his chief devotion was manifestly to the estates he was reputed to own in Venus and the moon.

What was their garnet he marvelled, having once projected the idea that this late comer was, himself, the "wolf's head" whom they were to chase down for a rich reward, incongruously hunting amidst his own hue and cry. Or, Seymour again doubted, had he merely constructed a figment of a scheme from his own imaginings and these attenuations of suggestion?

So he took a pen and wrote: "I have read your book. You would not expect to find me amongst the critics: I only write to thank you for the pleasure and the courage it has given me. Some parts have fitted my case so exactly that I have applied them and made use of them, as any chance comer is permitted to do with any work of art.

Shepherd Fennel assented, and made room for the self-invited comer, who, having got completely inside the chimney-corner, stretched out his legs and arms with the expansiveness of a person quite at home. "Yes, I am rather cracked in the vamp," he said freely, seeing that the eyes of the shepherd's wife fell upon his boots, "and I am not well fitted either.

So, with a parting nod and smile to Kenelm, she turned away, and left him bewildered. "But who is that lady, Will?" "A Mrs. Braefield. She is a new comer." "She may well be that, Will," said Jessie, smiling, "for she has only been married six months." "And what was her name before she married?" "I am sure I don't know, sir.

Finding himself addressed by a gentleman, the new comer handled his forelock and made a sea scrape, and announced himself as William Thompson; he added with simple pride, "Able Seaman;" then touching his forelock again, "Just come aboard, your honour." After this, which came off glibly, he was anything but communicative.

'I don't know that there's anything the row with him, returned the other. 'He's by no means the first comer, my Uncle Joseph, I can tell you! Very respectable old gentleman; interested in leather; been to Asia Minor; no family, no assets and a tongue, my dear Wickham, sharper than a serpent's tooth. 'Cantankerous old party, eh? suggested Wickham.

He saw Indian bungalows are open through and through the Englishman return to a small dressing-room, in a comer of the veranda, that was half office, littered with papers and despatch-boxes, and sit down to study Mahbub Ali's message. His face, by the full ray of the kerosene lamp, changed and darkened, and Kim, used as every beggar must be to watching countenances, took good note. 'Will!

The smell of tobacco wafted in, and she realized that the two men were sitting smoking together on the stoep. One of them, she felt sure, was Burke Ranger, though it very soon dawned upon her that they were conversing in Dutch. She lay for awhile watching the orange light of evening gleaming through the creeper that entwined the comer of the stoep outside her window.