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Brother, the old man and his Hollander dogs talk very easily about the thing; but what shall we do, because if one speaks against it one is simply a rebel? So I remain dumb. 'On the stoep it is nothing but war, but in the Raad everything is peace and Queen. Those are the politics they talk. I have nothing more to say here, but I can tell you a good deal.

It was a square, comfortable-looking mansion, with the Dutch stoep in front, and the half-arch of small-paned glass above the front door, which was painted white and bore a massive brass knocker.

In front three terraces rise immediately beyond the gravel courtyard, which is enclosed on three sides by the stoep. To the right of the terraces is a glade, entirely covered with vivid blue hydrangeas in full bloom, giving the appearance of a tract of azure ground.

"So you are up!" he said. His voice was quite friendly, yet she was possessed by a strong feeling that he did not want her there. She looked back at him in some embarrassment. "I hope you don't mind," she said. "I was only coming out for a breath of air." "Why should I mind?" said Burke. "Come and sit on the stoep! My neighbour, Piet Vreiboom, is there, but he is just going."

There it lay below, ramshackle and desolate, a rough wall around; flanked by outbuildings barn and cowsheds. The section rode down. The stoep led to a shuttered front. There was no sign of life. The moonlight blazed full on it. They dismounted, tethered their horses behind the wall, and entered the yard. The place was deserted, derelict not even a cat.

Our little Mantatee 'Kleenboy' has again, like Jeshurun, 'waxed fat and kicked', as soon as he had eaten enough to be once more plump and shiny. After his hungry period, he took to squatting on the stoep, just in front of the hall-door, and altogether declining to do anything; so he is superseded by an equally ugly little red- headed Englishman. Such are the vicissitudes of colonial house-keeping!

Yet somehow the darkness seemed to me to be as ominous as the silence, and, urging Prince to a canter, I dashed forward, leaped the fence without pausing to take down the slip rails, and reined up at the steps which gave access to the stoep.

This being the case, it followed that George Falkner, looking out on the stoep one fine afternoon, and descrying the approach of his bugbear, stifled a bad cuss-word or two, and then exploded aloud in more approved and passworthy fashion. "There's that bounder coming here again." "'Bounder' being Dutch for somebody you detest eh, George?" said Lilith sweetly. "Confound it!

It was while we were sitting out on the stoep of his house, one night after dinner, that the conversation occurred that decided my course of action and ultimately launched me upon the great adventure which, while leading me into many strange and terrible perils, was so profoundly to influence the whole of my after life.

Brother, old Reitz says Chamberlain will have a great surprise one of these days, and the burghers must sleep with one eye open. 'It is rumoured here that our military officers work day and night to send old Victoria an ultimatum before she is ready. 'On the stoep it is nothing but war, but in the Raad everything is peace. No wonder the British overtures were in vain.