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'Lave aff your palaverin' you snakin' owld sinner, says Sat'n; 'you know you're bought and sould to me, and a purty bargain I have o' you, you owld baste, says he; 'so come along at wanst, and he put out his claw to ketch him; but the colonel tuk a fast hould o' the Bible, and begged hard that he'd let him alone, and wouldn't harm him antil the bit o' candle that was just blinkin' in the socket before him was burned out.

We didn't either of us care to risk snakin' a cup, so I tells me pardner that the next time we goes roun' we'd best try an' grab a handful o' water. We didn't have long to wait, for the bear soon gets another move on; an' then away we all goes sailin' roun' agen. Every time me an' the Injun canters past the pool, we just makes a sudden dip an' grabs up a handful o' water an' throws it in.

'Don't put in your prate, says he; 'you ignorant sthrap, says he. 'You're vulgar, woman you're vulgar mighty vulgar; but I'll have nothin' more to say to any dirty snakin' thrade again divil a more waivin' I'll do. 'Oh, Thady dear, and what'll the children do then? 'Let them go play marvels, says he. 'That would be but poor feedin' for them, Thady.

Why, thin, you snakin' ould rogue, is that the way wid you? Throth I have often hard it said, that 'one fool makes many; but sure enough, 'an ould fools worse nor any. Come in here this minute, I say walk back you to have your horn up! Faix, indeed!" "Why! I am only goin' to get the small phaties boiled for the pigs, poor crathurs, for their Christmas dinner.

"Then come and survey; take your compass and chain to the ground and measure, and lay that off branch and bark the spars for snakin' off the ground; cord up the fire-wood, tie up the hoop poles, and then burn off the trash and rubbish. Do it workman-like. Take your time to it as if you was workin' by the day.

"But bhoys ought to be bhoys. Ye kin go." "Whoop!" yelled Sam. "Hooray!" joined in Yan, with even more interest though with less unrestraint. "But howld on, I ain't through " "I say, Da, we want your gun. We can't go camping without a gun." "Howld on, now. Give me a chance to finish. Ye can go fur two weeks, but ye got to go; no snakin' home nights to sleep. Ye can't hev no matches an' no gun.

Even ef it's night they've got a way o' cuttin' through the dark, an' I feel it's 'bout time now fur the Sioux to be comin'. They like to jump on an unsuspectin' foe 'bout midnight." He took an unusually long look and handed the glasses back to Will. Then he whispered to both the lad and the hunter: "I could make 'em out snakin' theirselves up the pass nigh flat on the rock."

"But I'd like to know what's to prevent us from being attacked in the rear. They can crawl up through the brush till they're right on top of the bank. They can post sharpshooters in the mesquite across the river so that if we come out to check those snakin' forward, the snipers can get us." "I'll sit on the bank above the cave and watch 'em," announced Lee.

"Begorrah!" cried Mick indignantly, "why didn't he stop and say so loike a man, insted ov snakin' away loike a cur?" I cast my eyes about me and saw, truly enough, that `Ugly' had disappeared. "Hullo, my lads! This won't do, this won't do!" shouted out a petty officer just then, as he came tacking about the deck and trying to make a straight course for the hatchway.

"Then come and survey; take your compass and chain to the ground and measure, and lay that off branch and bark the spars for snakin' off the ground; cord up the fire-wood, tie up the hoop poles, and then burn off the trash and rubbish. Do it workman-like. Take your time to it as if you was workin' by the day.