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And then he'd be walkin' in and out, and axin' for this and that he was to put in his bundle; and she could on'y be tellin' him where to look for them, instid of readyin' them up for him herself. And the pair of socks she'd promised him she couldn't get to finish rael fretted she was wid it all.

'Don't you be sparing of the pritters I'm rael hungry: and with his national celerity, the viands disappeared. When the meal was ended, Robert, as always, returned thanks to God for His mercies, in a few reverent words. The boy stared. 'I guess I hain't never heerd the like of that 'afore, he remarked. 'Sure, God ain't nowhar hereabouts?

"Whar is he? wes a' that passed his lips, an' in five meenuts he hed him on the feedin' board, and wes at his wark sic wark, neeburs but he did it weel. An' ae thing a' thocht rael thochtfu' o' him: he first sent aff the laddie's mither tae get a bed ready.

If you can't help it no how, you can fix it, do it in three days; one to come, one to see, and one to go. If you do that, and make the fust late, and the last airly, you'll get through it; for it won't only make a day and a half, when sumtotalized. We'll fancy it, that's better than the rael thing, any time.

It warn't the common company sleepin' room, I expect, but kinder make shifts, tho' they was good enough too for the matter o' that; at all events I don't want no better. "Well, I had hardly got well housed a'most, afore it came on to rain, as if it was in rael right down airnest.

When God had said this, Samuel bade Jesse to show him all his sons. So he made five others of his sons to come to him; of all of whom Eliab was the eldest, Aminadab the second, Shammall the third, Nathaniel the fourth, Rael the fifth, and Asam the sixth.

"I wish to goodness a couple of the lads 'ud step home wid themselves this minit of time," said Mrs. M'Gurk. "They'd come up wid him yet, and take it off of him ready enough. And smash his ugly head for him if he would be givin' them any impidence." "Aye, and 'twould be a rael charity the mane baste or sling him in one of the boghoules," said the elder Mrs. Keogh, a mild-looking little old woman.

Thorne, that he done it out of mischieviousness, as boys will do, you know, jest as they steal a feller's apples, and knock his turkeys of'n the roost, but yander's not one of them kind; so he must 'a' been crazy, and I'm rael sorry he's been so bad put to about it, I am, indeed."

"Man, Saunders," he said, "this wes a kind thocht, and rael weel dune." But Saunders' only reply was this: "Mony a time he's hed tae gang round; he micht as weel hae an open road for his last traivel." When the coffin was laid down at the mouth of the grave, the only blackness in the white kirkyard, Tammas Mitchell did the most beautiful thing in all his life.

And a great big man, and as strong as ten he was, ontil he got rael ould entirely. So it's cruel bad he thinks of not bein' able for everythin' the way he used to be; and he won't let on but he is, be no manner of manes he won't. 'Deed no, he sez he's as good a man as ever he was in his life."