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Bibliography: Interview with Aunt Harriet Mason, Lancaster, Kentucky. Garrard County. Ex-Slave Stories. Interview with Bert Mayfield: Bert Mayfield was born in Garrard County, May 29, 1852, two miles south of Bryantsville on Smith Stone's place. His father and mother were Ped and Matilda Stone Mayfield, who were slaves of Smith Stone who came from Virginia.

Malcolm, my poy," he added after a pause, and with the solemnity of a mighty hate, "ta efil woman herself will pe a Cam'ell ta woman Catanach will pe a Cam'ell, and her nain sel' she'll not know it pefore she 'll be in ta ped with the worsest Cam'ell tat ever God made and she pecks his pardon, for she'll not pelieve he wass making ta Cam'ells." "Divna ye think God made me, daddy?" asked Malcolm.

Go an' get us a pint of what you know," replied Condy, as he and Peter entered the kitchen. "Ellish," said Peter, "I suppose we must give it to thim. Give it give it, avourneen. Now, Condy, whin 'ill you pay me for this?" "Never fret yourself about that; you'll be ped. Honor bright, as the black said whin he stole the boots."

But it was not long before I was awakened by the fact that: "Sa rah did not fl inch but gras ped the heat ed i ron in her un in jur ed hand and when the ra bid an i mal a proach ed she thr ust the lur id po ker in his " "My conscience!" said I to Euphemia, "can't that girl be stopped?" "You wouldn't have her sit there and do nothing, would you?" said she. "No; but she needn't read out that way."

An', indeed, he never lost anything by that; for if they wor to sell their cow, he should be ped, in regard of the kindly way he gave it to them." * To put over the corpse of a friend, to be drunk at the wake and funeral. "Well, we'll see how they'll manage now that she's gone; but Pether an' the youngest daughter, Mary, is to be pitied."

Sir W. Then you acknowledge you bought it? Christy. What harm, plase your honour? And would not I have a right to buy what pleases me and when bought and ped for isn't it mine in law and right? But I am mighty unlucky this night. So, come along, Florry we are worsted see! No use to be standing here longer, the laughing-stock of all that's in it Ferrinafad. Miss G. Murder!

If Pedder weren't such an old stickler for propriety, I could go more into detail. You needn't look offended, Ped, you know you are very easily shocked, and that you make it unpleasant for everybody. He was taken on by the English consul at Teerak, who was a good fellow, and clothed, and taught to speak English, and, as a beginning, to work in the garden.

Croftangry had grown a rich man in foreign parts, and was free of his troubles with messengers and sheriff-officers, and siclike scum of the earth, and Shanet MacEvoy's mother's daughter be a blithe woman to hear it. But if Mr. Croftangry was in trouble, there was his room, and his ped, and Shanet to wait on him, and tak payment when it was quite convenient."

Malcolm looked about, and replied, pressing Duncan's arm, and speaking in a low voice, far less audible than his whisper, "There's naebody near, daddy naebody but the howdie wife." "What howdie wife do you mean, Malcolm?" "Hoot! Mistress Catanach, ye ken. Dinna lat her hear ye." "I had a feeshion, Malcolm one moment, and no more; ta darkness closed arount it: I saw a ped, Malcolm, and "

He fought stoutly on his own side; but he was ped then for the same basting that fell to me, though not by my hands, if to get his jaw dacently divided into three halves could be called a fair liquidation of an old debt it was equal to twenty shillings in the pound, any how. "There had not been a larger fair in the town of Knockimdowny for years. The day was dark and sunless, but sultry.