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I will be in the ward room as soon as the captain is done with me." "But I can wait, Mr. Pennant," interposed Christy. "So can I, if you please, captain," added the lieutenant, smiling as pleasantly as though he had been free from pain, as he could not have been with the wound in his arm. "I wish to say a few words about the gentleman in black we captured on board of the sloop."

He was still willing to believe that he had not overstepped his orders. "And a quarter three!" cried the leadsman. "Make the course north-west, Mr. Flint," said Christy, following the sailing directions with a proper allowance for the tide. "No more sounding; send the man below. We shall have from three to seven fathoms of water till we have passed the fort."

"That is the reason why the reinforcement was sent off at the last moment," Christy remarked. "The Dornoch carries six guns and fifty men," added the captain, reading from the letter. "I think we need not wait any longer to take possession of the Ionian, Mr. Passford. What is your opinion?" "I concur entirely with you," replied Christy.

Captain Carboneer was waiting for a steamer which his naval associate, Lieutenant Haslett, was to charter or buy for the use of the party," said Christy, as he led the way to the forward deck of the steamer. He and the engineer mounted the top-gallant forecastle, and looked intently down the river. The tide was coming in, so that the vessel, in coming up to her cable, pointed in that direction.

"A considerable number of officers and seamen must have come with you in the Vixen and the other vessels," said the captain, raising his finger to indicate that the question was addressed to Christy. "Yes, sir; the Vixen was fully armed and manned to protect the fleet of prize vessels she convoyed." "Do you remember the names of the officers who served with you in the Vixen?" asked the captain.

The common herd of the village fell back with respect; the boys were driven back by Christy and his compeers; while Ready-Money Jack maintained his ground and his hold of the prisoner, and was surrounded by the tailor, the schoolmaster, and several other dignitaries of the village, and by the clamorous brood of gipsies, who were neither to be silenced nor intimidated.

"She is not merely a blockade-runner; for it appears now that she is an armed vessel, and has some heavy metal on board," said Christy. "But no shot has come within hearing," added Mr. Baskirk. "Perhaps she only wished to inform us that she could bite as well as bark." The St. Regis kept on her course for another hour.

Hugh started in without delay feeding them some of what the boys were pleased to denominate his "teasers." He soon had them hitting at thin air with might and main, and looking surprised because they failed to connect. One man, then two, went out on strikes, and neither had touched the elusive "fade-away" ball made famous by Christy Matthewson in his prime.

Leading from the main cabin were the state-rooms of Florence and Christy. One of the four others was occupied by Dr. Linscott, the surgeon of the ship, who had had abundant experience in his profession, who had been an army surgeon in the Mexican war, though his health did not permit him to practise on shore.

"Have they come again so soon?" asked Sampson, as he rushed to the rail. "It is only a small canoe." "Is Christy on board?" called the visitor alongside. "That is Mr. Vapoor: tell him I am on board," added Christy. "Christy is on board, sir," replied Sampson to the hail. "Will you come on board, sir?"