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"Where's the cowardly rat what hit me?" he demanded. "Never you mind about 'im," put in the proprietor of the club a very fat man with a ponderous watch-chain. "While the excitement was on 'e 'ooked it. You be off, too I don't want any more rowing." Sinking his voice to a faint whisper, he added: "You'd be worse off than the rest of us, 'Awker, should the police 'appen to come."

I crept up through the bushes and looked about for signs of our men and the officer. I saw a man of the machine-gun section carrying the tripod-stand, followed by another with the ammunition-belt-box. "Seen any Medical Corps here?" "They've gone down 'ooked it... you'd better get out o' this quick yourself we're retreating can't 'old this place no'ow too 'ot!" "Did the officer leave any message?"

Seen there in the mist of the overcrowded and evil-smelling room, there was nothing very remarkable about her. Stalwart and resolute and self-possessed she looked; sometimes she was beautiful, but not now. She was a woman at whom most men would havel ooked twice.

"'Very good, melad, ses the capt'in, 'I relies on you, Joe. 'E always did and would you believe it, I upped an' 'ooked that there great rattlesnake out of the boiler with an old hum-brella!" There was a clerk who stood six-foot eight who was something of a "knut." He told me that at home he belonged to a "Lit'ry Society," and I asked him what books they had and which he liked. "'Ow d'yow mean?"

The fishin' party 'ad gone out on the reefs after rockfish, which is one of the gamiest fighters we 'ave 'ere, and some of 'em runs up to fifty and sixty pounds. They 'ad 'ooked several fine 'ogfish you want to 'ave a look at some of 'em; crimson fish they are with long sweepin' spines and the next bite turned out to be a chub. They could see 'im plainly enough through the clear water.

"Everything's the matter. Bill's gone!" "Confusion and Exeunt." "Gone?" echoed the boy blankly. "'Ad a row with Gavel this very aft'rnoon. Got the sack, with a week's pay, an' packed up his kit after tea an' 'ooked it. Bess Burton told me all about it, knowin' me an' Bill to be friends she's the woman sits at the pay-table an' gives the change.

"My gran'darter Sal kin tell ye." "Where is she?" asked Kilsip, sharply. At this the old woman threw back her head, and howled dismay. "She's 'ooked it," she wailed, drumming on the ground with her feet. "Gon' an' left 'er pore old gran' an' joined the Army, cuss 'em, a-comin' round an' a-spilin' business." Here the woman on the bed broke out again