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"Clear?" Sam nodded. "Barrin', o' course, the bill for to-night's board an' lodgin'." " Up to date 'e 'as paid S. Bossom over six pound, and 'as picked up with an engagement 'ere. Dear sir, you will see there's no risk, and S. Bossom will stay 'ere a week an' collect the balance." "The Lord forbid!" Sam protested, laying down his pen. "I'd like to know oo's writin' this letter you or me?"

I thought one time she was goin' to die on my 'ands. And 'oo was to pay for 'er buryin', I'd like to know? That's w'at it is! 'Oo's goin' to pay for 'er buryin' and the food she eats; to say nothin' of 'er room money, and that's been owin' me for a matter of three weeks?" "How should I know who is going to pay for it? She will, I suppose." "She! W'at with?

We're both men, both flesh and blood, a'n't we? then where 'd be the difference? 'Oo's to tell which is the lord an' which is the postilion?" "Who indeed?" said I, setting down my hammer. "Jack is often as good as his master and a great deal better." "Her?" "Ah 'er! Number Two 'er as quarrelled wi' Number One all the way from London 'er as run away from Number One wot about 'er?"

That's the sittiwation, accordin' to my reckonin'. Now, 'oo's for it?" "Butt right in, skipper," said a gentleman who claimed Providence, Rhode Island, as the place of his nativity. Hozier, who had contrived to draw near Iris while Coke was speaking, breathed softly, so that none other could hear: "This is rank piracy. But what else can we do?" "Is it wrong?" she asked.

In fact the ferryman says his aunt telephoned that the special on her corner says a female Boche was brought down. But that hardly sounds likely. Hasn't the witch come home yet?" "Lawd no," replied Peony. "The dear ol' Soup never comes 'ome of a moonlight night. It's my belief she goes to Maiden'ead among the Jews, to keep out of the wiy, and 'oo's to blime 'er?"

Upstairs the scuffling and the struggling became frightful. Jim's feet and Jim's voice were heard above the muttering of the undertaker's men. Mrs. Gale whispered. "They're gettin' 'im in. 'E's gien a haand wi' t' body. Thot's soomthin'." She brooded ponderously. A sound of stamping and scraping at the back door roused her. "Eh oo's there now?" she asked irritably.

'Why, that's just what the hooligans all say! laughed Vida. 'And, like you, they think that if a woman wants justice for other women she must have a grievance of her own. I've heard them ask Ernestine in Battersea she has valiant friends there "Oo's 'urt your feelin's?" they say. "Tell me, and I'll punch 'is 'ead." But you aren't here to listen to me! Vida caught herself up.

She listened for a minute and then knocked: there was a little flurry inside, and someone called out: ''Oo's there? 'Only me, said Liza, opening the door. As she did so she saw Sally rapidly wipe her eyes and put her handkerchief away. Her mother was sitting by her side, evidently comforting her. 'Wot's up, Sal? asked Liza.

I'll be coughin' blood before eyght bells. 'Ow can it be myde up to me, I arsk? 'Oo's goin' to do it? Gawd? 'Ow Gawd must 'ave 'ated me w'en 'e signed me on for a voyage in this bloomin' world of 'is!" This tirade against destiny went on for an hour or more, and then he buckled to his work, limping and groaning, and in his eyes a great hatred for all created things.

And then Anthony sneezed violently. The man stood rigid, thumb at mouth, peering. "'Oo's there?" he demanded gruffly, and began to advance, head bowed and arms squared in a posture of offence.