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"Thee cas'n goo no vurder," Bill Blacksmith saith to me: "nawbody 'lowed to crass the vord, until such time as Faggus coom; plaise God us may mak sure of 'un." "Amen, zo be it," says I; "God knoweth I be never in any hurry, and would zooner stop nor goo on most taimes." 'Wi' that I pulled my vittles out, and zat a horsebarck, atin' of 'em, and oncommon good they was.

Between the sobs Essy looked up with her shining eyes. She whispered. "Will yo kape mae, Moother?" "I sail 'ave t' kape yo. There's nawbody 'll keer mooch fer thot job but yore moother." But Essy still wept. Once started on the way of weeping, she couldn't stop. Then, all of a sudden, Mrs. Gale's face became distorted. She got up and put her hand heavily on her daughter's shoulder.

Landlord, do you mean to tell me any one could land? And if not, what's the use of your inn standing here?" "Naw, sir, nawbody cud laun' joost neaw. Lee-ast waas, nut to ca' fur naw yell to dry hissen."

"'Thee cas'n goo no vurder, Bill Blacksmith saith to me: 'nawbody 'lowed to crass the vord, until such time as Faggus coom; plaise God us may mak sure of 'un. "'Amen, zo be it, says I; 'God knoweth I be never in any hurry, and would zooner stop nor goo on most taimes. "Wi' that I pulled my vittles out, and zat a horsebarck, atin' of 'em, and oncommon good they was.

'It be nawbody, said John, 'vor us to make a fush about. Belong to t'other zide o' the moor, and come staling shape to our zide. Red Jem Hannaford his name. Thank God for him to be hanged, lad; and good cess to his soul for craikin' zo.

"Stan' ivery one o' ye oot o' the way," cried ancient Nanny, now as wide-awake as ever; "Master Robin Cockscroft gie ma t' bairn, an' nawbody sall hev him but Joan Cockscroft."

The feed of oats with which Willie had tried to tempt her lay untouched in the skip beside her head. "I give 'er they oats an hour ago," said Willie. "An' she 'assn't so mooch as nosed 'em." "Nawbody but a donmed gawpie would have doon thot with 'er stoomach raw. Yo med 'ave killed t' mare."

Then the storm burst. She turned her tormented face to him. "A clane breast, yo' call it? I s'all mak' naw clane breasts, Mr. Cartaret, to yo' or anybody. I'll 'ave nawbody meddlin' between him an' mae!" "Then," said the Vicar, "I wash my hands of you." But he said it to an empty room. Essy had left him. In the outer room the three sisters sat silent and motionless.

I'll wager he's a bin tiched up in the bunt somehows, for a guinea; and if so be, 'tis with wan o' they. They'm all sixes and sebens down below; so I'll lave 'em bide a bit, and hab a tot o' liquor and lie down for a spell. Lord send 'em to knaw the vally o' pace and quietness! But 'tis wan and all the same Friends and faws, To battle they gaws; And what they all fights about Nawbody knaws."

"It be nawbody," said John, "vor us to make a fush about. Belong to t'other zide o' the moor, and come staling shape to our zide. Red Jem Hannaford his name. Thank God for him to be hanged, lad; and good cess to his soul for craikin' zo."