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Daily, when he annoyed her while he was drunk. But sobered up, he seemed to wish to make amends." "Oh, Lord!" My friend's mouth gaped. "Amends? Yep. That's his nature. Might call it mendin' his pocket and his lip. And you don't yet savvy that your 'lady' 's Montoyo's wife his woman, anyhow?" "Montoyo? Who's Montoyo?" "The monte thrower. That same spieler who trimmed us," he rapped impatiently.

He's all to the mustard an' none the worse for wear, except his clothes they won't never look quite the same, an' his socks need mendin' in sixty or seventy spots. They'll be along directly. You run along and fix 'em up some breakfast an' keep out of sight. I'm goin' to do a little scoutin' an', maybe, won't be back 'til pretty near dark." "But you! Surely, you must be nearly starved!"

"Come wot about my door?" demanded the landlord, more threatening than ever. "Ten shillin' won't mend my door " "What door?" I questioned, fronting his insolent look with as much resolution as I could summon. "The door as you an' that desp'rit villain broke betwixt ye fifteen shillin' ah, a pound won't pay for the mendin' o' my door wot about it come!"

"I kind of hate to think o' your bangein' here and boardin' there, and one old woman mendin', and the other settin' ye down to meals that like's not don't agree with ye." "Lor', now, Mis' Tobin, le's not fuss round no longer," said Mr. Briley impatiently. "You know you covet me same's I do you." "I don't nuther. Don't you go an' say fo'lish things you can't stand to."

She's nicked up some, but that only bears evidence to what a bully good shot I am, and it won't take much to fix her up all shipshape again. Usin' high bursts shrapnel ain't very destructive. All them bumps an' scratches can be planed down. But we'll have to do some mendin' on her canvas I'll tell the world. She's called the Reina Maria, but I'm going to run her to Panama and change her name.

"I'se afeerd he's goin' to die," she muttered in alarm. "I sut'n'ly is. Poah little fellow: he's mighty tryin' to a body's patience sometimes, an' he's made a mess of this mendin', for suah, but I reckon he means all right. He's not so onthinkin' an' onthankful aftah all." She laid the spool and thimble on the window-sill, and folded her hands to rest awhile.

The nets need mendin' too, so you'll have to spin a lot more o' the cocoa-nut fibre, an' I'll have to make a fish-hook or two, for the bones out o' which I made the last were too small." Father and son wended their way down the steep cliffs of the mountain at the foot of which was their cavern home. "What's that?" exclaimed Gaff in a low whisper, as they passed along the top of a precipice.

There's nawthin' to take his mind off his wurruk. He sleeps at night with his nose against th' shingled roof iv his little frame home an' dhreams iv cinch bugs. While th' stars are still alight he walks in his sleep to wake th' cows that left th' call f'r four o'clock. Thin it's ho! f'r feedin' th' pigs an' mendin' th' reaper.

And young Miss Gowdy is onexperienced yet in mendin', so the patches won't show. And Sister Moss had got forty-seven cents for the job, and brung it all, every cent of it, with the exception of three cents she kep out to buy peppermint drops with. She has the colic fearful, and peppermint sometimes quells it.

And I can tell you, sir," the man went on, "that all th' ship's company, an' th' passengers on top of 'em, are sick with sorrow that this has happened to him; for there's not a soul ever comes near th' doctor but loves him for his goodness, and we'd all be glad to break our own legs this minute if by that we could be mendin' his!"