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It was about forty-seven inches long by eight and a half inches in diameter. Its charge varied according to the use to which it was to be put.

'The steamer "Gold Dust" exploded her boilers at three o'clock to-day, just after leaving Hickman. Forty-seven persons were scalded and seventeen are missing. The boat was landed in the eddy just above the town, and through the exertions of the citizens the cabin passengers, officers, and part of the crew and deck passengers were taken ashore and removed to the hotels and residences.

What the gross revenue of those territorial acquisitions was supposed to amount to, has already been mentioned; and by an account brought by the Cruttenden East Indiaman in 1769, the neat revenue, clear of all deductions and military charges, was stated at two millions forty-eight thousand seven hundred and forty-seven pounds.

A thousand questions were shouted at the captain on his bridge, but he was imperturbable. He only glanced at his watch, and then said, in an undertone, to Joseph Smith, who stood beside him: "Forty-seven hours and twenty minutes.

And, if this miracle of increasing the meal and the oil was repeated only once a day, there would be for the first twelve months, or for the year, three hundred and sixty-five miracles; and for the six months, or the half year, one hundred and eighty-two more; and adding these together we have the surprising number of five hundred and forty-seven miracles, that were performed to reward this good widow for the kindness she showed to the prophet Elijah, when she gave him a piece of bread, and a drink of water!

A plot had been formed by which all the English settlements were to be attacked on the same day, and at the same hour. The conspiracy was betrayed by a friendly Indian, but not in time to prevent a fearful massacre of three hundred and forty-seven persons, among whom were some of the wealthiest and most respectable inhabitants.

The last was a most efficient corps, all females of respectable character, armed with sword, musket, and dagger. Their chief, Kenau Hasselaer, was a widow of distinguished family and unblemished reputation, about forty-seven years of age, who, at the head of her amazons, participated in many of the most fiercely contested actions of the siege, both within and without the walls.

They play whist at two sous a point, and I listen to conversations of this nature: "'Monsieur Vitremont is dead, and leaves two hundred and eighty thousand francs, says the associate judge, a young man of forty-seven, who is as entertaining as a northwest wind. "'Are you quite sure of that? "The that refers to the two hundred and eighty thousand francs.

It was after a comprehension of these things that David understood Father Roland's great work. In this kingdom of his, running approximately fifty miles in each direction from the Château except to the northward, where the Post lay there were two hundred and forty-seven men, women, and children.

The attack is not yet checked. The danger is not over. Still again look at some of the facts! In two years and a quarter of war Eight million men moved across the seas almost without mishap. Nine million and a half tons of explosives carried to our own armies and those of our Allies. Over a million horses and mules; and Over forty-seven million gallons of petrol supplied to the armies.