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All children like to repeat the Lord's Prayer in family concert. I. References for Study Emilie Poulsson, Love and Law in Child Training, chaps. i-iv. Milton Bradley, $1.00. Happy Sundays for Children and Sunday in the Home. Pamphlets. American Institute of Child Life, Philadelphia, Pa. II. Further Reading Sunday Play. Pamphlet. American Institute of Child Life, Philadelphia, Pa.

II, a standard work; James Gairdner, Henry VII , a reliable short biography; Gladys Temperley, Henry VII , fairly reliable and quite readable; H. A. L. Fisher, Political History of England 1485-1547 , ch. i-iv, brilliant and scholarly; A. D. Innes, History of England and the British Empire , Vol.

H. M. Baird, The Huguenots and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 2 vols. , a detailed study by a warm partisan of the French Protestants. V . The best account of the minority of Louis XV is that of J. B. Perkins, France under the Regency ; a brief summary is Arthur Hassall, The Balance of Power, 1715-1789 , ch. i-iv.

VI-VII, IX, XI. The best discussion of the reasons for a revival of interest in the colonies during the Restoration, and of the establishment and practical application of a system of colonial administration and control, is Beer's The Old Colonial System, Part I, 2 vols. See particularly, I, chaps, I-IV. For this subject, see also, Channing, II, chaps.