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Randal had all eight o' hisn out yesterday, with a four-quart pail apiece, and him and Lucindy pickin' into the half-bushel besides; and Rodney told Bede, for the livin' truth, he'd seen a lantern movin' around last night right in the dead o' night, and he looked out and it was the Dean and Abbie Ann out tater-buggin', and everybody knows they wasn't out in the daytime, it was so dreadful hot.

'He ketched an ol' socker the fast thing. I went off by myself 'n got a good sized fish, but 'twant s' big 's hisn. So I tuk 'n opened his mouth n poured in a lot o' fine shot. When I come back Ab he looked at my fish 'n begun t' brag. When we weighed 'em mine was a leetle heavier. "What!" says he. "'Tain't possible thet leetle cuss uv a trout 's heavier 'n mine." ''Tis sarrin, I said.

"Well, dash my hopes," said Bud, "if he didn't get clear away. He shore treated me like a leetle boy. But I reckon he's in sech a hurry because he's on his way ter a drug store fer a porious plaster fer them ribs o' hisn." Ted had picked himself up and was rubbing his arm, which had been strained by his falling on it. "What's this yere all erbout?" asked Bud.

I don't set up to be no better than my neighbours, specially with my tail snipped off the way 'tis, but I want you all to know Tedda's quit fightin' in harness or out of it, 'cep' when there's a born fool in the pasture, stuffin' his stummick with board that ain't rightly hisn, 'cause he hain't earned it." "Meanin' me, madam?" said the yellow horse.

Says he, quite miffy like, don't he know the way to Court as well as I do? if I thought he didn't, I'd send one of my niggers to show him the road. I wonder who was his lackey last year, that he wants me to be hisn this time. It don't convene to one of our free and enlightened citizens, to tag arter any man, that's a fact; its too English and too foreign for our glorious institutions.

"You think you're smart, don't you?" said Kit, taking Bud's finish out of his own mouth. "You big chump, it wasn't your story, anyhow." "Don't worry, Kit," said Bud, smiling confidently. "Ben's so intellectooal thet it hurts him ter pack his knowledge eround in thet pinhead o' hisn. But he didn't finish ther story none. I knows ez well ez him thet hawgs can't swim fer ther reasons he give.

"He was cussin' in Spanish, when I walked up to him but he shut up when he seen me and got that peaceful look uh hisn on his face. I wonder, by golly " "Oh, shut up and go awn," Irish commanded bluntly, and looked at Pink. "Did he call it off, then? Or did you have to wade in " "Naw; he was like this here Native Son all front.

After that he rested his elbows upon his great, bony knees and smoked meditatively. "You tell Mr. Picardy that I ain't visitin' nobody, so he needn't consider that I'm company," announced Jerry, after a wait that was beginning to rasp the nerves of his visitors. "I come here to live! He's called this land hisn, by authority uh the king uh Spain, you say, for over twenty year.

"My boy ain't good enuf fer yer gal, but my votes is a different story, heigh?" "Votes for votes is my rule," rejoined the squire. "The old arrangement, say I. My tenants vote for ye, and yours for me." "Waal, this year theer 's ter be a differ," chuckled Hennion. "I've agreed ter give my doubles ter Joe, an' he's ter give hisn ter me." "Joe! What Joe?" "Joe Bagby." "What!" roared the squire.

I won't read it I won't bring home no more books of hisn! Only, please, pop, don't burn it please!" For answer, he drew her with him as he strode to the fireplace.