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He sutny don' ree'semble no runnin' hawss to me. I neveh yet see a head shape' like that on anything whut could run." Shanghai came closer and examined the equine stranger carefully. "Yo' an ugly brute, big hawss: ugly no name faw it. Oh-oh, kunnel; he got a knowin' eye, ain't he? If this hawss is wise as he look, he ought to be a judge in the Soopreme Cote!

"The little pinto sure is a wonder. Acts like he knows you mighty well." "Ought to. I trained him. Had him before Miller got him." "Bet you hated to sell him." "You know it." Dave moved forward to his end, the intention to get possession of the horse. He spoke in a voice easy and casual. "Saw Miller a while ago. They're talkin' about sellin' the paint hawss, him and his pardner Doble.

"Looks like his hawss bogged down in Fifty-Mile Swamp," suggested Holt. "Looks like," agreed Dud. The old miner said no more. But his eyes narrowed to shining slits. If this man had come through Fifty-Mile Swamp he must have started from the river. That probably meant that he had come from Kusiak. He was a young man, talking the jargon of a college football player.

"Well," said the chef, "I'll raise you a dolla and a quahta. Say thutty-eight and seventy-five." "W-ell now, you're gittin' up among the figgas where you're liable to own a hawss. You just keep right on a raisin' me, while I sell these ladies some shoes, and maybe you'll hit it yit, 'fo'e night."

Chicken Liver, watching Murphy skim the rail into the home stretch, shuffled his feet in an ecstasy of exultation. "Come home, baby!" he shouted. "Come 'long home! You de bes' li'l ole hawss uh!" Something small and hard jammed violently into the pit of Chicken Liver's stomach, and his song of victory ended in an amazed grunt.

"What could have happened, Phyllie? Do you reckon he fell off his hawss, and him a full-size man?" he scoffed. "Yes, but you don't know how Brill looked at me. I'm afraid." "Oh, Brill!" His voice held an edge of scorn, but none the less it concealed a real fear. He was making as much concession to it as to her when he added lightly: "Tell you what I'll do, Phyl.

"I expaict you'll like Wyoming, Miss Messiter; leastways I hope you will. There's a right smart of country here." His gaze went out of the open door to the vast sea of space that swam in the fine sunset light. "Yes, most folks that ain't plumb spoilt with city ways likes it." "Sure she'll like it. Y'u want to get a good, easy-riding hawss, Miss Messiter," advised Slim.

Sol'mun was right, but maybe he wouldn't have been if I hadn't done some risin' up myse'f this mawnin'! Whoa, hawss! This where they pay off! We th'oo faw the day!" Old Man Curry was striding down the track from the judges' stand when he met a large man whose face was purple and his language purple also. "Man, don't talk like that!" said Curry reprovingly. "And ca'm down or you'll bust an artery.

"I know you meant it as a joke, Kid. You did not realize the danger of his narrow stirrups. Had he been caught in mounting or had he been thrown, he would almost certainly have been dragged. And for you to give him our one ugly hawss!" "You said he could ride," the puncher defended himself.

Bear's head just as the puncher and the hawss separated company. "Things were doing right sudden then. My friend grabbed the end of that rope and twisted it round and round a young live oak. Then he remembered an appointment and lit out, Mr. Bear after him on the jump. Muy pronto that grizzly came up awful sudden. The more he jerked the nearer he was to being choked. You better believe Mr.