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Christopher wheeled the pony round and tried again, tried eight times and failed and succeeded at the ninth. It was characteristic of him that he did not lose his temper, but had kept on with a sort of dull, monotonous persistence that must have been very boring to the equine mind. Then he galloped after Patricia, and catching her up at the lodge gates retailed his triumph gleefully.

But it is precisely the Paloeotherium d'Orléans which is the type of Christol's genus Hipparitherium; and thus, though Hipparitherium is of later date than Anchitherium, it seemed to me to have a sort of equitable right to recognition when this Address was written. Again, the skeleton of Anchitherium is extremely equine.

It presents three complete toes one large median and two smaller lateral ones; and there is a rudiment of that digit, which answers to the little finger of the human hand. The European record of the pedigree of the horse stops here; in the American Tertiaries, on the contrary, the series of ancestral equine forms is continued into the Eocene formations.

"Keep everything," said Dudley Venner. "I don't want to see anything belonging to that young man." So Abel nodded to Mr. Venner, and left the study to find some of the men about the stable to tell and talk over with them the events of the last evening. He presently came upon Elbridge, chief of the equine department, and driver of the family-coach. "Good mornin', Abe," said Elbridge.

He had black eyes and black hair and mustache, and a slightly equine face that went well with his Old Terran Spanish name. There was another officer with him, considerably younger Captain Foxx Travis, Major General Maith's aide. "Well, is there anything we can do for you, Miles?" Gonzales asked, after they had exchanged greetings and sat down. "Why, could I have your final situation-progress map?

It presents three complete toes one large median and two smaller lateral ones; and there is a rudiment of that digit, which answers to the little finger of the human hand. The European record of the pedigree of the horse stops here; in the American Tertiaries, on the contrary, the series of ancestral equine forms is continued into the Eocene formations.

So it came to pass that I stood upon this hill, observing a fair of horses. The reader is already aware that I had long since conceived a passion for the equine race; a passion in which circumstances had of late not permitted me to indulge.

Rennes' hair was white and her long, equine countenance, sallow. When her feelings were stirred, she showed it only by a cloudy pallor which would steal over her face as a kind of veil separating her from the rest of mortals. "One has to get away from England," continued Rennes: "one has to get away from one's self." "And where is your self now?" she asked, not venturing to look at him.

It seemed to me that it was enough to have to exist in Northern France at that season of the year, let alone fighting Germans. Out of the drizzly, misty rain along a muddy road and turning past us came the Indian cavalry, which, like the British cavalry, had fought on foot in the trenches, while their horses led the leisurely life of true equine gentry.

Is it not probable then, that, just as in the Miocene epoch, we find an ancestral equine form less modified than Equus, so, if we go back to the Eocene epoch, we shall find some quadruped related to the Anchitherium, as Hipparion is related to Equus, and consequently departing less from the average form?